Cite Your Favourite Saturday Night Live "Commercial"

I love the celebrity restaurant ones, especially Derek Jeter’s Taco Hole, which is right down the street from Tom Brady’s Falafel City.

I seem to remember one from that “SNL Goes Commercial” collection where a bunch of yuppy business people are at a bar/restaurant during lunch hour talking about buying new cars or other similar accomplishments. It’s got upbeat music and the voice over talks about how they’re on top of the world and stuff and they know “just where they’re going.” Then it shows a beer and pans down and at the bottom of the bottle it says “HELL.” After that, the people are all shown burning in lakes of fire and the voice over says “for your life of empty values and loose morals, you’ll burn for all eternity,” and it ends with “this is a message from God.”

Anyone know the one I’m talking about or any more info?

Yes, the commercial starts with a bunch of them sitting around celebrating that one of their number just sold his condo for five times what he’d paid, and slides into a montage of them driving expensive cars, buying expensive wines, walking quickly through the financial district in designer clothes looking at their Rolexes etc. The background music is an unbeat song:

Where you’re going, you’ve always know it
Where you’re going, you’re on your way
Where you’re going… your gonna PAY!
[shot of HELL on the beer mug, sound of screaming]

The sponsor of the commercial was the “United Council of Churches” or something similar.

The parody of David Naughton’s Dr Pepper commercial.

If you watched any TV at all in the late 70’s or early 80’s, that song was burned into your brain.
“I’m a Pepper, he’s a Pepper, she’s a Pepper,
Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper too?”

Then SNL did their version.
In place of “pepper”, substitute the word “homo”.

My top three are actually listed in the OP (though I’d switch “Happy Fun Ball” and “Colon Blow”). I also love the Swill commercial with Bill Murray - so disgusting, yet so hilarious.

“Happy Fun Ball is filled with a glowing green substance which fell from the sky, presumably from space.”

Kelly Ripa’s ad for Tressant Supreme, the hair coloring made with all-natural ingredients… and just a little bit of crack cocaine.

Video link.

Man, that’s a perfect google ad for this thread:

Are you clean inside?
“Death begins in the colon.” Why is colon cleansing so vital?

Wow. I had no idea death began in the colon.

Aw, now it’s switched to “The Peace Company”. But I swear, that was a real google ad at the bottom of this thread.

Oh… and I swear, I NEVER thought I’d like ANYTHING connected with Paris Hilton, but I loved her ad for phone-sex services tailored to the geeks and nerds likely to call (Maya Rudolph with her Star Trek spiel, etc.).

I refuse to be bound by the limit of 3 choices! And, mine aren’t in order!

  1. Old Glory Robot Insurance

  2. Oops! I Crapped My Pants - I always wished that they used beef stew instead of iced tea in the absorption demo…

  3. Cookie Dough Gatorade

  4. Schmitt’s GAY

  5. Dillon Edwards brokerage commercial with the wesite name www.clownpenis.fart

  6. Dr. Porkenheimer’s Boner Juice


I found a far more thorough list of SNL commercials at Wikipedia, by the way.

Okay, 'fess up: who else clicked on this to see if it led anywhere (since VB turned it into a link for us)?

The only one I’ve not seen mentioned that I really liked was Pre-chewed Charlie’s. Good stuff!


My favorite commercial was for the package delivery service to call when the package is already way overdue. Their slogan was, “If it has to be there tomorrow, call the other guys. If it had to be there 2 weeks ago, call us.” They specialized in backdating order slips, damaging the package and blaming acts of God for the damage.

That was Jiffy Express and the delivery man was portrayed by Rob Schneider with his usual shit-eating grin as he explains "… and then it got mis-routed to Hong Kong and stayed in a storage room for 6 weeks, " Yeah that was a good one.

  1. Oops, I crapped my Pants

  2. That very noisy baby Jesus that goes on day and night

  3. The recent one where they get the tacos wrapped in pizzas and a bunch of other stuff, then throw it all in a tote bag and pour in a liquid. Gives new meaning to supersizing!

Ah, the love toilet. Heart-shaped, I believe they were.

Oh, and Gaystrogen–the med given to the gay guy whose gayness seemed to be waning.

Truth. I shot quite a few for a while. The SNL Film Unit has a coupla interesting things going for it. The same man has been the Director/sometimes writer/ Creative Overlord the entire time. Yes, since 1975. His name is Jim Signorelli. Clever man and god does he know funny. The other thing is that virtually all, if not all, spoofs are shot either in 16mm or 35mm film. Almost none are shot on videotape.

My personal fave? The Julia Childs one with Dan Ackroyd. " It’s only a flesh wound… "

My fave of the ones I shot? Top two- The Martha Stewart Topless Christmas Special, and the Viagra spoof with Christopher Walken. ( And much of the cast, coupled off ). Walken and…uh… god, one of the regulars as his wife. They’re sitting in front of a cozy fire ( shot at the infamous Douglas House, and as he speaks about how wonderful Viagra has been for their marriage,her expression goes from whistful to deeply frightened to nauseous. Hilarious silent comedy stuff.

The one that made me laugh the hardest WHILE I was actually shooting? The spoof about the horse glue that used entire horse legs, shoved into a huge steaming cauldron. Yes, those were real horse legs. The cauldron was filled with many gallons of molasses, brought to a near boil, with chunks of dry ice thrown in for smokey effect. Wil Farrell was incredibly funny in that bit.

Fun shoots to do.


  1. Interbank. (I love that one.)
  2. Old Glory Robot Insurance
  3. “Hibernol” cold & flu medicine. (God, I need some of that.)