I stumbled across this on Roadside America. Occasionally I am dumbfounded by what people will do:
Dang! Forgot the web address again:
It’s shit like that that makes me proud to be an American.
THAT. Is some super good roadside shit there, my friend.
Seriously. I LOVE stuff like that.
If I were passing by there on a road trip, I would so stop and visit that place.
That is really great. Think about the nice family from New Jersey that gets talked into seeing some “dinosaurs” by their kids as they drive South.
I can see that inspiring a whole new genre of books and websites.
… That’s the coolest thing ever.
If you don’t love it… you might as die because your imagination already has.
I drove past there in 2004, but it wasn’t open at the time. His house/workshop is right on the road, and there were some interesting, and rather creepy, critters out front. I did see “Foamhenge”, though–that was pretty cool. All of this stuff is right near Natural Bridge…a worthwhile stop for any road-tripper in search of iconic tourist-traps.
Now that’s comedy.
They’d pass right by. Jersians are beyond used to wierd roadside shit.
Still, that’s pretty damn cool…
Why has no-one given this man large quantities of money for the rights to make a movie out of this?
It has to be Cheap Hallucinogens.
Of course, it is cool–but it still has to be Cheap Hallucinogens.
This theme park answers the question - what would happen if Shelby Foote had written Turok, Son of Stone?
When we went to Tennesse (Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area) I HAD to stop by the Salt and Pepper Museum.
There’s some stuff so hokey you just have to see it.
I hope U.S. Grant rides in and get all the dinosaurs drunk.
I thought it was great, and if I ever get out that way, I will make a point of seeing it. Great stuff.
Or The Land of the Lost
So if gay marriage is ever legalized will the guy switch from Union soliders to Nazis?
You want weird?
First time I drove by this place I thought it was a junkyard.
Second time, too.
Third trip I finally noticed the Monument sign. Thought: since when do they turn junkyards into Monuments? (Not to be confused with monumental junkyards …)
Finally stopped and looked around on the fourth trip.
What d’ya know …
(To be fair, the description at the first link above does not do the Monument justice. Second link is the official webpage. Here is another page with links to better pictures and descriptions of the Monument, as well as the history behind it all. BTW, if you are ever driving through Nevada on I-80 and find yourself about 40 miles west of Winnemucca with a few minutes to kill, this is a really cool place to spend some time!)