Clint Eastwood voting for Romney

I don’t think people appreciate how much it meant to us when Eastwood, a well-know Republican, did that pro**-economy** Detroit ad and then came out against restrictive marriage laws. It looked like a way back to two real political parties with different philosophies, not just different hysteria points.

But for him to publicly support Romney, who is politically just an empty suit, reinforces the party uber ales mentality.

I would be less distraught if he had come out in support of Ron Paul, who at least has opinions of his own.

I thought you were talking about the politicians, there …

Agreed. He’s a massive elitist and most of that he does hurts most Americans and puts our country further into a dangerous crony capitalism form.

Opinions significantly (at least consistently) more conservative on social issues such as gay marriage or abortion than Mitt Romney’s.

Good point. Except that one of the few things I agree with the Republicans on these days is the type of person to put on the SCOTUS. I like Alito and Roberts.

I think the wikipedia cite I linked to earlier said Eastwood was more of a Ron Paul supporter during the primaries.

I didn’t say I’d be less distraught if Paul had won.

It’s gone beyond, "I’ma vote for Romeny, or I’ma endorse Romney… It’s now I’ma introduce Romney as the candidate.

I’ll never spend another nickel on anything associated with Eastwood.

Well, that speech was certainly… something… I’m not sure it was particularly helpful for the Romney campaign.

Eastwood introducing Romney doesn’t really bother me, certainly not enough to boycott him. I haven’t heard Eastwood running his mouth about same sex marriage or any hot button right wing issues.

I do find it amusing that the Republicans continue to show that they are indeed the party of rich, white, old people.

I can’t bring myself to watch it. I get uncomfortable watching people be cringeworthy.

But if anyone wants to watch it, it’s here.

InvisibleObama can be found here.

What a night- Eastwood acting like he’s long past his expiration date, Rubio talking a lot about himself, and Romney looking like Enzyte Bob on a lithium drip.

I’ve avoided watching the entire convention for this reason. And I’m a Romney supporter.

No, I am not optimistic about the fall, why do you ask?

Conventions are pretty dreadful affairs, no matter how well done. I don’t think you’re missing much. You aren’t who they are trying to reach anyway!

Boy, was that bizarre or what?

I like Clint Eastwood, and I’m okay with him endorsing Romney. That’s his business. He just looked very uncomfortable, very old, and very confused up there. Not sure if this helps Romney in the least. At times I thought he was actually pro-Obama and anti-Romney. At one point he said “maybe it’s time to give someone else a try” at fixing the economy. Not “Romney is the guy to fix the economy,” but more “hey, Barack, give the other guy a turn.”

The empty chair thing? Weird.

And, it goes without saying, there are a whole lot of White people in there. :slight_smile:

Yeah, the “you don’t have to vote for someone you don’t like” line was a bit odd considering how much the GOP base kinda doesn’t like Mitt.

On the other hand, Clint’s speech summed up the campaign perfectly: an old rich white man arguing against an imaginary Barack Obama.

I don’t generally make these sorts of comments, but that is fucking awesome.

I like NBC’s headline for tonight’s festivities:

Man, that Eastwood speech was painful. Clint is clearly starting down the road of senescence. He rambled, stuttered, looked puzzled at times… His timing was wrong, and his "Go Fuck Yourself’ jokes were tone-deaf.

The Eastwood of even 10 years ago had the charisma that could have done Romney a lot of good. The Eastwood of tonight looked like a slightly befuddled old man who wasn’t quite sure who he was endorsing or why. It was sad to see.

I agree. I don’t think the Romney campaign was going for the imagery that the Eastwood speech left in people’s minds (or at least mine) whatsoever. Very, very old and extremely tired and out of it.

And Michael Steele, Marco Rubio and Condi; of course. They always show off their token minorities.

I’m watching the Eastwood speech now. He looks every one of his 82 years. He sounds really old. He pauses and stutters - did he practice it at all? Who did his hair and makeup, or failed to do them. Eastwood’s a top-notch director - a less able person directed his speech tonight.

I have not been watching the convention - is Eastwood the first person at the RNC to express sympathy for people of lesser means? In any case, I like the soft-sell tone in that part of the speech - reminds me of the “most interesting man in the world” ads. “It might be time to give someone else a try” is a point, but not exactly firing up the crowds.

The talking to an empty chair thing is odd. Clint giving Obama grief over the Afghan war? Gee, what administration did that start under? Hint: Not Obama’s. Relaying Romney’s question “Why don’t you bring them home tomorrow” is really stupid - because the question is really stupid. Eastwood is putting words in Obama’s mouth that we have never heard him utter in public. What would the Repbulicans think if Martin Sheen spoke to the DNC and pantomimed Cheney saying “Go fuck yourself”? Even though Cheney totally said that on the floor of the Senate. Anyway, Eastwood is being odd, and disrepectful.

I don’t mind the Biden jabs as much. He’s just the Veep (no respeck at all). Lawyer jokes - ah that’s fresh! :rolleyes:

There’s more than one way to interpret “We own this country” coming from the RNC. :eek:

“When somebody does not do the job, we gotta let them go” is the money line of the speech, and Eastwood’s speech would have been many times more effective if he’d made that the focus instead of the empty chair fake-folksy crap.

Overall I thnik it was very strange, oddly tilted speech. Eastwood should have done much better. I may not be the target audience, but I don’t think this bodes well for Romney.

I still have nothing against Eastwood’s movies. There is no way I’m going to boycott Eastwood over his endorsement of Romney. I would say that even if Eastwood gave the barn burning crowd-pleasing red-meat fire 'em up kind of speech he’s capable of, but did not give tonight.