Clinton v Trump - The Stretch Run Thread

As promised, we’ve got about five weeks - 38 days and some hours - until the most fascinating/alarming Presidential Election of most of our lifetimes.

Let’s have a fun thread for the final push to election day. Early voting is open in some states so we’re finally seeing people respond in a way that counts on E-day!

So what do you all think? Clinton or Trump? Left or Right? Will any of the third parties - there are more than two - make significant inroads. If so, will they stick?

It’s an interesting time to be an election watcher.

Although Clinton doesn’t have it in the bag yet, which is ridiculous given her opponent, I remain convinced she will eke out a win which, again, is ridiculous as it should be a blowout.

I think this election has made it clear to me that third parties have no place in national politics. Third parties have next to no hope of winning the Presidency, provide little in terms of an alternative to the two major parties, delude voters into believing voting for something other than one or the other major party isn’t a waste of their vote, and seem to only act in a self-serving role of giving the supporters of these parties the idea they are somehow relevant.

The only thing you should consider as a responsible American voter is which of the Democratic or Republican party candidates best represents your views and vote for them. Those who are naive enough to think they are doing something valuable by voting for 3rd parties need to remember that Sanders and Trump didn’t go third party for a reason. They know third parties are ineffective.

Not ridiculous at all. In the end, you still want a President who best represents your views.

As mentioned in the Hillary thread, I’ve already voted (thanks NJ absentee ballot!) for H-rod, and also to try to turn NJ-5 blue after 30 years of republican control. Which probably won’t happen. But I can dream. Like I do every 2 years.

Politico pulls no punches reporting on Trump’s latest Twitter tirade:

A Florida Trump adviser resigns.

More, Trump, more! Don’t let us down! Ride the sewage pipe all the way to November!

I mean, it’s disgraceful that this is the state of the 2016 US Presidential Election, but that ship sailed long ago. At this point, I just want Trump to hurt his chances as much as humanly possible. One embarrassing election, no matter how bad, is still worlds better than an actual Trump presidency would be.

Joy Reid (MSNBC) tweets:

“This morning on @AmandiOnAir show I heard something I hadn’t before: a couple of Republican Trump supporters moving away from him.”

Trump’s June deposition video set to release.

…and the media, having had fun skewing the political coverage to make this look like a close horserace, is now ready to go into “let’s now air all those little issues Trump has that we’ve been holding onto for months.” Should be an entertaining month for Donald.

Pretty much. Pulitzer’s are at stake, lawsuits may depend upon whether or not he wins, the very nature of their jobs may change if he wins.

My uninformed guess is that the media collectively had a moment of clarity and realized that they were about to fuck up on a scale not seen since they let George W. Bush lie his way to the Iraq war. I believe (because it’s a comforting belief) that in newsrooms all over the US, disaffected reporters looked up at their framed glossies of Edward R. Murrow and said, “Holy fuck, we gotta stop this!” They’re using the “L word” openly instead of just saying, “some disagree with Trump’s opinion that the moon is made of green cheese”. They’re calling out his temperament and bigotry instead of just talking about how it affects his polling in swing states. The coverage just seems very unlike what I’m used to seeing in an election. I’m glad, just surprised that the media seems to have finally got it together to oppose this guy.

It’s incredible that Donald doesn’t understand that bringing up Alicia Machado’s topless photos is going to make people think about Melania’s topless photos.

But then he also doesn’t grasp that bringing up Bill Clinton’s adultery will make people talk about Trump’s own adulteries.

And somehow, he thinks all this mess makes Hillary look bad.

If anyone takes home a Pultizer it should be Fahrentold over at The Washington Post. The man’s been a journalistic bear.

Well, Clinton has at least one vote in IL (mine). Along with Tammy Duckworth and unknown (to me) Democratic candidate for HR. Go Hillary.

And Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek. Should be a close race this year. They both deserve it.

It’s hard to believe he’s keeping the Miss Universe thing alive. Bury it!!

As for Bill Clinton’s stuff… it could work if he focuses not on Bill, but on what Hilary said about his accusers (which is supposed what his plan is). Still, that’s treacherous ground to tread as it could still make people more sympathetic towards HRC.

“Cheated-on wife has little good to say about her husband’s mistresses, vows revenge.”

Yeah… run with that. Please.

Yeah, I just don’t see how “Hillary said mean things about her husband’s mistresses” is going to be a game changer for anyone. Rational people are going to understand the provocation.

Which leaves out Trump supporters, but they’re already not voting for Hillary, so who cares.

I doubt it. How many women say nice things about other women who give their husband blow jobs? If he brings it up, it will just look like victim shaming.

And making Hillary achieve victim status is a true accomplishment.