Clorox safe for teeth Y/N?

My concern, which I would like input on, is did you weaken your teeth in the process? Bleach is a powerful oxidizer, did you just make your teeth more porous? Did you just open up a bunch of tiny holes deep into the enamel? That would explain the ‘deep cleaning’ but it is a short term gain for weaker and more exposed to stained teeth?

Good luck

This reminds me of people who use “black salve” to treat skin cancer on their nose. Sure, it takes care of the skin cancer (and your bleach took care of the stained teeth) but it also removes healthy tissues, sometimes to the point the person not only removes their skin cancer but also their nose, requiring reconstructive surgery.

Bleach mixed with hydrogen peroxide makes Chlorine gas, which can kill. This is pretty obviously a 4chan style thread that tried to make people try deadly things.

However, if you are being serious, you prolly have OCD considering how worried you are about your breath. Your mouth breeds bacteria, bacteria that stink. Nothing you can do about it long term.

Where did you learn chemistry? Sodium hypochlorite mixed with hydrogen peroxide makes oxygen, sodium chloride, and water.

NaClO + H2O2 → H2O + NaCl + O2↑

There’s a whole thread there about how other reactions including the release of Chlorine can occur. Also you have to consider the unknowns with the plastic trays, but this is an academic point.

I think we can all agree from just reading the label on household bleach that putting it undilluted into your mouth is not the right way to go. Right now Im wondering if the thread is here to get us to try doing this or sell ERO or what.

You’re thinking of mixing bleach + ammonia.

Cite: I once used straight bleach to clean up what turned out to be a puddle of ferret pee. Never makin’ that mistake again, I can assure you.

What a bunch of pansies. Real men use carbon tetrachloride for their personal hygiene. Or perchloroethylene if the nanny state do gooders have made it too difficult to obtain carbon tet in your state.

Machine shops and dry cleaners have barrels of the stuff just laying around out back, waiting to be “properly disposed of”. Bring a straw.

I drink a lot of tea and have what my dental hygienist called porous teeth. So with time I’ve noticed some yellowing.

The bleaching strips were maddening. They slipped and slid all around my mouth in spite of my following the instructions. And they didn’t seem to make a difference.

Professional whitening seemed an extravagance.

Finally I tried swishing my mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide a couple of times a day. Voila! Nice white teeth. And a pleasant side effect was an improvement in the heath of my gums. And it’s nearly as inexpensive as water.

The minor adjustment to the slightly unpleasant taste of HP was insignificant in comparison to the benefits.

I’m curious, OP, if you recognize yourself taking other health risks as well. Doesn’t sound like you care much about yourself.

When I looked up carbamide peroxide in a chemical reference book, it said “urea peroxide”.

Yep, carbamide is a synonym for urea.

Next up: using a pressure washer and muriatic acid to clear up acne.

I’ve had good luck with ethylene glycol.

It works better if you let the engine warm up before you tap the radiator.

I know a guy who got into his mother’s cleaning supplies when he was young and accidentally drank some bleach, it should be needless to say that boy is not right.

I have a toothache. Should I extract it myself with pliers?

Kind of a chicken-and-egg thing there, Kimballkid.

This thread has convinced me to get a pit bull.

This thread is so over the top I just had to register.

OP, you most likely got NO benefit from that bleach, the peroxide did all the work. I also must point out that excessive use of perxoide can also damage your teeth.

no not really, IIRC the carbamide peroxide liberates hydogen preoxide while working.

most people can use it for long periods of time with no ill effects. Some people get temporary sensitivity, varies greatly from person to person usually doesn’t last too long.

Still no adverse side effects, and very pleased with the results.

I like the post (2 up) that suggests it was just the carbamide peroxide . How safe is it?

On House Party, Art Linkletter’s dialog with a kid went like this:
LINKLETTER: It’s nice to see a young man whose teeth are so white and shining. Do you brush yours three times a day?
KID: No, Sir, only once. But I use Clorox.