code test

Color code commands; in addition to preset values such as color=green, any RGB value can be expressed as a hex (0-F) value:

{color=#888888}charcoal grey{/color}
charcoal grey


{color=#999900}sorta mustard{/color}
sorta mustard

I think bbcode and HTML overlap that much, yes.

Handsome Scarlet

Note that you can use the noparse tag to show the real code, instead of swapping in {}
[noparse]this is bold[/noparse]
this is bold

Ah, but how do you show the real code, when the actual noparse . . . /noparse tags are the real code you want to show? Is it noparse…/noparse tags all the way down?

Useful to know about the color codes though. I have a HTML book with a table of several hundred color names and codes.

They’re noparse about half way down. Then there’s a layer of turtles, followed by flying turkeys.

*I suppose I should have layered the noparse tags once, to show their format.
Oh well. Nothing to do about it now.

They overlap to the degree that you can use nonsense words for colors: [noparse][color=handsomescarlet][/noparse][/color]

This is unsurprising, as all vBulletin does is convert the BBcode to HTML. Occasionally, when the system glitches up, I’ll get raw HTML back in the text box after clicking preview or edit.

I like to use a very light grey as an alternative to the strikethrough; for example “I think that you’re a fuckwit mistaken”. :wink:

You use one more set of noparse tags than the number you wish to show. Last I checked, x+1 did not equal infinity :smiley:

Amusingly, in tapatalk on my Android, the noparse tags didn’t work.