Ok, it was an empty cup…but you’d never know it by how much she ran around afterward – it was like she’d just freebased Pixie Stix or something.
Ok, it was an empty cup…but you’d never know it by how much she ran around afterward – it was like she’d just freebased Pixie Stix or something.
[Geroge of the Jungle] Javajavajavajavajavajavajava [/George of the Jungle]
Maybe the coffee fumes got her stoned. I can’t blame her; I look forward to my first cup of the day with similar enthusiasm.
Funny, my kid always got sleepy from coffee. No, I didn’t give it to him when I wanted a break, but there were the rare times he tasted a random cuppa. Then there was the Thanksgiving at Aunt Alemeda’s where he finished a couple eggnogs… :smack: Daddies don’t always pay attention when a football game competes the after dinner lethergy…
BTW, Hal, she is adorable! Of course, you probably knew that…
Have you people have no shame. Any deception or trickery to sucker me into looking at your crum cruncher, puppy, kitty, whatever. Jeez, Louise, gimme a break!
Just kidding, cute kid!
That’s the ticket. Get em’ while they’re young! mwhahahahaaaa
No fair. I’m not a kid-lovin’ person and you sucker me into lookin’ at a widdle cuttems…
I’ll get you for that.
None whatsomuchasever.
Ok, ok…maybe it was a bit of a bait 'n switch. I apologize, and promise not to do it again [sub]for at least a month or two.[/sub]
You can almost see her widdle toesies wiggling with joy!
Oh, wait that’s me when I get the first cup of the day. Sorry.
I was just wondering if there was a cupcake involved in the Coffee!!! thread?
Great picture. She’s so cute.
Mr Bus Guy: So let me get this right. You have widdle toesies capable of wiggling with joy? That is so odd.
Apparently, I meant “an hour or two”.
Iiiiiiiit’s PASTA!!! PastapastapastapastapastaPASTA!!!
I know it’s required by law for all parents to take those kind of photos, but the combination of the expression and the outstretched hand is slightly alarming.
Cute kid though.
And the mom in me says:
Iiiiit’s BATHtime! BathtimeBATHTIMEbathtimeBATHtime!
What a cutiepie, Hal!
That pasta photo made me laugh ridiculously hard and I’m not sure why…
MY GOD! The coffee must have kicked in then!
I envision a similar picture involving cake at the first birthday party. Have we had a first birthday yet?
Off-Topic: Freudian Bra; I hope you decided to pony up and stick around?
Is it true that kids feed by osmosis?
Further off-topic: Thanks to you, I have!
And next, I will conquer the WORLD–and look really, really cute doing it! Mwahahahaha!
Muahaha…it’s a month away, and it’s gonna be fuuuun.
You see, Shayla has two little friends, all of whom have their first birthday within days of each other. The Reader’s Digest version of the day’s plans include three babies, a large plastic sheet and a chocolate cake in the middle of them.
Sounds like a good idea! Get the hose ready too.