He just made a joke about “brave national guardsmen” and “hippies” when Neil Young was on the Daily Show.
My vocabulary fails me. What an asshole.
Steven Colbert? Have you never watched the show, or are you just being facetious? :rolleyes:
It’s an act. It’s precisely the kind of joke I’d expect from someone parodying self-important pundits like O’Reilly or Hannity.
Isn’t that the whole point? You may as well pit Homer Simpson for being stupid.
Of course it’s ajoke, but it’s about as funny as a holocaust joke.
How do you get 50 Jews in a volkswagon?
2 in the front, 2 in the back, 46 in the ashtray.
Iran is looking for comedians such as yourself.
Wow . . . and I like tasteless jokes. I think that’s the most offensive thing I’ve ever heard . . .
Please don’t compare Kent State and the Holocaust.
So I guess it really wasn’t as funny as a holocaust joke?
Being Jewish, I figured I could.
This makes the baby Godwin almost cry.
I just saw the repeat and thought it was mildly funny. You have to understand that most of Colbert’s viewers are too young to have experienced Kent State anywhere but the history books, songs, and stories from Ma and Pa. Besides, I grew up near there and our second favorite Kent State joke was “Don’t go there…you’ll get shot!” Funny? Not really, but it is usually the first thing you think of when you hear the name. I rarely find myself laughing out loud at Colbert, but this joke is on par with his schtick.
Holocaust joke? Like 4 people died! Verses 6 million people? I think that takes it a little far.
Dude, I don’t care if you’re Elie fucking Wiesel. It was a dumbass comparison.
I’m a Jewish guy whose nephew asked a survivor “Who wrote on your arm?” and whose wife knew someone killed at Kent.
I apologize for offending any other Jewish folks.
And fuck Colbert.
It’s a parody, nimrod. The joke is not the joke itself, the joke is that Colbert’s character (who is based on blowhard pundits like Bill O’Reilly) is a callous asshole. You’re supposed to be laughing AT him, not with him. You might as well pit Cartman on South Park.
If anyone deserves a pitting it’s that little fucker. He killed two people, cut up their bodies, and fed them to the victim’s sone, his nemesis.
That episode is on right now.
Remember Stan and Kyle mention “We better not piss off Cartman ever again.”
Don’t pit him man, it could be really bad.