Coldfire -- Not a warning my eye.

Coldfire: In this thread you said:

So when you place the label “Moderator Notes” at the top then say this is not a warning but it could be, could you explain how it that not a warning?

The point I was making was entirely valid, and it was in the pit, and others on the thread agreed with it. At this point I feel that you were objecting to the politics expressed, and not the way they were expressed, as there others using profanity.

And you, of course, used your moderator status to employ profanity as well.

From this, I am feeling that your assesment of what is “fucking annoying” is tied to your politics.

I like quick studies.

Not to speak for Coldy, but maybe his assessment is close to mine, that you are a fucking annoying and semantical git with a large stick up his ass when it comes to women?

Your behavior in the aforementioned thread was worse than pathetic. You’re pathetic. Go piss on someone else’s begonias.

But you are really fucking annoying though. Just my opinion, you understand, but, well, you are.

Well, Andy, from what I saw on that thread, I’d agree with Coldfire.

Slainte wrote a fairly benign story. Nowhere does she talk about victimization, or allege anything serious. In fact, she claims the rant to be weak. I actually found it fairly humorous.

You were the one who began to discuss victimization. You were the one who brought politics into the discussion.

What’s highly ironic is that, when Coldfire expressed his own opinion, not on your views but on your general demeanor, you are the one who immediately begins a thread declaring yourself a victim!

Lighten up, pull that huge stick out of your caboose, and use it to knock that huge chip on your shoulder.


You mean to tell me that Coldfire used the…gasp…F-word?


Next I suppose you’re going to tell me that the Pope is Catholic.


I see your point about the non-warning.

Of course you’re still full of shit about feminism, but that is quite possibly less than entirely relevant.

Andy, she insisted several times in the thread that it was supposed to be hyperbolic. Not entirely taken at face value.

Now, were you:
A) Trying to save her from a week’s suspension, fearing she had crossed the line on joke threads?
B) Pissing all over a thread by insisting that she’s a man-hater?

You were acting like an ass, which is dangerously close to being a jerk. Therefore, Coldfire told you you were acting like an ass, and that you were coming dangerously close to a warning.

I have to say, Coldfire’s post was one of the bright spots of my day.

Another vote that Andy is annoying, so much so the OP requested the thread be closed. Congratulations you vomitous punk.

’Licious, you injected your wacky politics into a thread that had nothing to do with politics. That’s highjacking. You insulted the OP, who had done nothing to deserve it. That’s being a jerk. I don’t give a rat’s ass about your sexual paranoia, and I’m sure Coldfire doesn’t either, but you behaved like an asshole in that thread, and he told you so. Grow the fuck up.

And I think what Coldfire was trying to say was that you weren’t being Warned as in going on your “permanent record” or one more warning and you’re toast, or whatever, but that he was letting you know that you were perhaps tiptoeing close to jerk-dom in his Moderator-ing opinion. But that’s just my guess.

I dunno, I’m kind of siding with Andy on this one. Granted, he seems to have taken the OP too seriously, and maybe deserved to get flamed for that. (Some of you may remember that I started a thread about the very subject of taking rants too seriously). But you’ve got to admit it’s a pretty fucking good point that not only is it not true that Hallmark makes fewer “daughter” cards, but that they in fact make MORE of them. The stuff from cuauhtemoc was WAY more fucked-up than anything Andy wrote:

I mean, Jesus Christ, is that ever over-the-top. IMO, Coldfire deserves the pitting for not resisting the temptation to use Moderator status to take a parting shot at one person while ignoring all the other crap.

I’m torn on this.

On the one hand, Andy is a major tool. Get on his bad side, and he’ll follow you around lying about you, desperately trying to get a rise out of you. Like a puppy with mange, a high bark, and sharp little teeth, he’s not so much threatening as repellent.

On the other hand, Coldfire closed that thread before I got to give Andy a good old Nelson laugh for getting his whiny butt told off by Coldfire. I mean, that’d be immature of me and all, but goddammit, I’ve earned a good Nelson laugh at Andy for the obnoxiousness to which he’s subjected me.

Sure, I could’ve started my own thread on the subject to get the Nelson laugh in, but that’d smack of doing to Andy what he’s been doing to me – namely, following me around just to be annoying.

I was torn, you see: Coldie both amused me and thwarted me, all in one go.

But then Andy, bless his doofus little heart, opened up this thread, neatly reconciling my two desires.



Ha ha!




Hah Hah!


Coldie got pitted… Coldie got pitted… (again…)

I say Coldfire? Some people just can’t take a hint can they? Heh Heh Heh

Funny stuff.

What can I say? I don’t like bullies. I especially don’t like bullies who try to portray themselves as victims and those they try to bully as aggressors.

He can. He has. It wasn’t. She won’t.


How is cuauthemoc’s contibution, which was directed at ONE person more fucked-up than SAL’s shit-spewing directed not only at the OP, feminists in general? Condemning one person is not equivalent to broad-brush tarring.

I just read that thread and wow, what an ass.

Andy, you remind me of a scene in Starship Troopers – the book, not the movie. It’s a scene in boot camp – the drill sergeant marches in a recruit, accusing him of disobeying a direct order. The drill sergeant has a black eye, but doesn’t mention it, and nobody says anything about it. The recruit makes excuses, and insists on dragging things out – and that’s his right. But he finally yaks enough that it comes out that he hit the drill sergeant in the eye – a capital offense – and the recruit is hanged. Had he kept his mouth shut, he’d’ve gotten off with a few lashes (yeah, Heinlein’s a brute).

The comparison I’m making here is that Coldfire, like the officers, is striving not to take official notice of your actions, while still letting you know that you’re digging yourself a hole. Like the recruit in this story, you seem to be too dumb to take advantage of it.