College three point lines...why two?

My roommate and I have been discussing what we believe is a growing phenomenon. Basically, it seems that more and more college basketball courts have two three point lines. This is not the same thing as those courts that have different lines for pros and college. Rather, even courts that have no pros playing on them are starting this.

My guess is that it is the difference between men’s and women’s threes. But he disagrees, along the lines of, women’s basketball has been around for a while, why would they just start doing this?

So I turn to my fellow Dopers for the dish. What’s going on in NCAA hoops?

This year, the NCAA will try out a longer three-point line, moving the arc back to 20 feet 6 inches.

Yeah, but why keep the other one painted on the floor? Laziness?

I meant to add that this is experimental for the preseason NIT and other exempt tournaments.

Ooooooh. Gracias.