Collounsbury, 6-3-2000 to 11-28-2002

Collounsbury, SDMB-recognized expert on genetics, arabic and the Middle East, has been banned at age two and half after 2535 posts.

Collounsbury first came to public prominence in the late months of 2000 with his contributions to the “race threads.” Passionate and detailed with copious citations to primary source material, they are generally recognized as one of the most significant examples of fighting ignorance ever seen on the SDMB.

In later months, Collounsbury posted extensively on the Middle East and North Africa in GD. While his posts continued to be highly informative, his passion was sometimes directed against those who were either uninformed or merely sloppy. His posts, while entertaining, often skirted the rule against personal abuse in GD, which, experts speculate, eventually led to his banning.

Collounsbury is survived by December, CKDexterHaven and grienspace.

Collounsbury, banned at two and half.


And you posted this drivel for what reason?

No surprise, but where did the execution take place?

Link x2?


Gosh I wonder if anyone will ask for a link?

Well, FWIW, this is his last post.

I think this is it.

Interesting, because if that’s his last post, it certainly isn’t indicative of what some may call his typical style, nor is it resembling a bannable offense.

Methinks that whatever it is that got him banned was somewhere else.

Oops, about halfway down the page.

It would be a good policy if every banning had an official explanation somewhere, just so the board members get an idea what policies are being strictly enforced and such.

I believe Eyer8 has nailed it, folks.

Scout, if you follow Eyer’s link, it’s quite typical of his “Style,” such as it was, and it’s pretty obvious why he was banned. I believe this comes at the end of about a hundred violations of the “don’t be a jerk” rule.

Well, I’ll miss him, but I don’t disagree with it. Such a wealth of information, such a short temper… :frowning:

Some people never learn.

Coll may have been vitriolic, but he was generally right. It’s too bad if his frustration got him snackered – we needed an informed voice on the middle-east. (Although I can see where he was coming from, it seemed like an awful lot of stupid, bigoted ignorance to have to attempt to combat on a regular basis.) A brick wall, even.

Yeah, and I kind of miss Nordberg too.

Oh sure, Larry. He was just trying to benefit everyone with his wealth of knowledge. If only others would see it that way!

I know that this has been brought up before and rejected as giving banned posters more attention (applies more to trolls than posters like Collounsbury).

I agree with erislover – a great source of information but couldn’t always control himself. In general, I liked reading his posts and agreed with much of what he said, but he did cross the line at times.

This is a damn shame. He was pompous, but he contributed so much! Why didn’t he heed any of the dozens of warnings he got?