combatting mild and temporary depression

I know that none of you know me well enough to perhaps offer good insight, but in my desperation I will give it a shot.

I’ve been having a bad day, and I don’t feel like explaining why. Now it’s Saturday night, and I can’t think of anything I feel like doing, and I don’t like sitting here being depressed.

Can any of you offer suggestions on how to divert myself? Or any thoughts on how to handle adversity?

Sorry for the vagueness. Any responses to this at all would be appreciated.

I know how you feel friend, and you can’t let a bad day get you down. Do something you enjoy doing for a few hours. Go see a movie, have a drink, go dancing. Whatever you like doing, go! :slight_smile:

As for how to handle adversity… Well, without any specifics, I don’t know if this will do any good, but try to laugh at it. I know, I know “Laugh in the face of adversity” is a little cliche, but it does work.

If you want to talk, my email is down there.

Take a walk.
Go to a bookstore.
Take yourself out to eat and a nice resturant
clean out a closet
have some chocolate
call a friend

Hope you feel better soon. It does get better.

Exercise is also most helpful. Go for a walk, and if you can, pick a route that takes you through green areas. The simple act of walking, looking and observing, seeing people, hearing small children holler out “hi!” as they will (they pretty much can’t stay quiet when someone walks by) will help the gloom dispell.

Do you have any hobbies?

Me, I like to crochet. I’m clinically depressed myself & take meds to control it. The meds work, but every so often, I still have down days. Like today. It started off pretty badly. Fortunately, it did get better, but for a while there, it was sucking rocks.

So, I picked up my yarn and hook, and started a new crochet project for a friend. It was a nice day, so the kids were outside most of the day, and since my husband works nights, he was sleeping. The house was nice and quiet, and I was able to crochet out an awful lot of frustration. By the time I put my stuff away, instead of thinking “damn, this day sucks,” I was thinking “hey! This looks pretty good! My friend might actually like this!”

Now, if what you’re dealing with is a temporary depression, because you’re having a crappy day, any of the above suggestions would probably do a LOT to help your mood.

And feel free to email me, if you’d like. My inbox…well, last time I looked, I saw tumbleweeds in there. :wink:

If only it was as easy to do as it is easy to say (excercise, walk, see movie, listen to music, etc…) I too suffer from mild depression. I suffer it quite a lot though. Simple advice like those doesn’t quite work, because I know they will only be temporary distractions. Right now - thoughts of completely changing my life are keeping me sane. I don’t quite know what to change it to yet, but the simple thought of changing my list of hobies and habits is encouraging.

I hope you find it easier than me to take simple advice like “watch a movie”. As you say - your depression is temporary so It probably will work to take a walk or watch a movie. (I am looking forward to seeing X-men 2)

I have two ‘inboxes’ one has tumbleweeds, the other looks like a landfill site.

The absolute best thing you can do to combat depression is to find a friend to hand out with to distract yourself from whatever it may be that is troubling you. Of course, when it’s late on a saturday night, it can be difficult to find a friend who is still available and willing to chill for a while.