Come hither merry folk and wave a hairy bollock in the face of seasonal festivities

Mine are shorn.

In relation to the OP - I’ve never ever done that with my mother, at christmas or any other time. Is this a pommie thing?

Sez you - the poster from the not remotely pervily named place of Nipple!!!

Oh dear. You have never seen a gathering of fella bilong missus flodnak’s clan. They are numerous, and they bring appetites. Think of a swarm of locusts descending on the dinner buffet and you’ll have the idea. Mind you, it’s good fun. Noisy, but good fun. Fortunately everyone lives close enough that they all go home to their own beds when it’s all over, but imagine if they’d stay overnight…

Who knows how many those ladies would be feeding, and for how long. Christmas! Family Togetherness! Brother, Here We Go Again!

Hope you and the three-legged fox get your peace and quiet back soon.