Come on down, motherfucker, yes, that's you VC03!

Absolutely. They get money, you get the company of a lovely lady for a time.

Is it really completely inappropriate to bring up something about a poster that you know from another thread (from another thread title, even)? Sure, it would be completely inappropriate if it was information shared privately, but that is not the case here.

…that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, which had already been addressed by a few people.

That’s what you’re missing. The drug, in VC03’s experience/catalogue of anecdotes is: 1) popular among strippers; 2) causes headaches. You were a stripper with a headache. If you complained of ankle or low back pain, would it be untoward to ask if you’d been dancing in 9’ platform stiletto heels? No.

shrug You start a thread titled “Look at me everybody, I’m a stripper!”, people are apt to bring it up from time to time. :rolleyes:

And this:

earns a “u r dum” IMO. The question is whether strippers as a group exhibit a higher incidence of drug-doing than the general population. VCO3 is a tool, generally speaking, but on this occasion it read like genuine concern and not an unreasonable question. How does it go? Get down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.

Damn ! That’s what you got out of that thread? It seemed like your standard this is my job, do you have any questions kind of a deal. Maybe you think strippers aren’t people just like you and I.

The more important question, though, is:

Is it vee-cee-oh-3 or vee-cee-zero-3?

Aside from the poster himself and his ridiculous ranting, I am perturbed by this.

For about the 900th time, analogies are fine as illustrations, but they don’t prove a damned thing. In this case, asking someone if they wear platform heels is a tweenie bit left on the insultometer than asking someone if they do illegal drugs.

I don’t understand why so many people are having a hard time picking up on an insult disguised as a helpful hint. If there were any doubt, his anecdote in post #33 about doing poppers with strippers before ‘letting’ one of them peg him is a pretty clear indication.

Could Indy have been nicer… now to that I say “meh.” Why should she have to be the diplomat when someone is making sport of her?

Depends on who you’re asking – those acrylic things with the Roman sandal straps are god-awful. Besides, I bet a lot more folks reading this have used illegal drugs than have worn platform heels.

Wait - if being a stripper is nothing to be ashamed of - and I agee that it is not - why is it insulting to bring it up?

Love this. Love.

Re: OP… I can understand why this would be a sore spot for you, especially having to field comments like Johnny Hildo’s in that other thread there… but this does seem a wee bit overreacty considering VC03 just seemed to be offering some genuine help. He may have been wrong to stereotype, but I don’t see any intended vitriol on his part. It would have made more sense if you’d pitted Hildo.

While VCO3’s post may have lacked tact, I don’t see it as being mean-spirited at all. If Indygrrl had simply said, “That can’t be the case, I don’t do poppers.” I don’t think anyone would have given it another thought.

His post reminded me of a similar stupid assumption:
I’d had very little sleep the night before and o-chem exam (I stress easily) , resulting in a bad headache, and commented on that to my study group. (“Man, I feel crappy! First no sleep and now a bad headache! Good thing we have an exam in an hour!” One of the men immediately assumed I must be menstruating and felt compelled to give me all sorts of advice on dealing with cramps (which I’ve never had anyway) and so forth.

Because he’d heard that some physical “ills” associated with having a period include restless nights and/or headaches.

Yes! The only possible reason a woman might have a poor night’s sleep and/or a headache is because she’s on the rag. There is no other reason for her not to feel perfectly fit at all times.

Obviously, the only possible reason that a stripper might have a migraine is because she indulges in illegal drugs. There is no other reason for her not to feel perfectly fit at all times.

Yeah, but of course that will never happen. The whole reason people announce “hey I’m a stripper everybody look at me!” on message boards is so they can drama-queen over it later and then wonder why they are always being attacked.

good grief…

Oh pul-eeze. It of course isn’t the only reason, but it may be quite often the reason. and, in your example, you weren’t posting on a message board looking for advice about your condition. Had you done so, it would, however, be not at all unusual for folks answering said thread to ask questions about specifics perhaps not addressed by the OP.

Are poppers illegal in the United States? They’re legal here, available at any good sex shop.

next to the platform heels I presume

Haven’t you heard? It’s illegal to enjoy sex in America.

But not in the bad sex shops?

Alkyl Nitrites are legal in the US… as prescribed vasodilators. I’m not sure if any can be bought over the counter. Maybe not, since they were banned in retail deoderizers in 1989 and Amyl Nitrite has required a prescription since 1969.