Okay, let’s get this out of the way first and foremost: no flaming, no debating, no pointing and saying, “You WHAT?” The whole point of this thread is to come out of the shadows and admit to swiming against ther stream of SDMB cool.
I’ll go first.
One, I like Starbucks. Hell, I love Starbucks. If we could afford it, we’d go every day. And I order a semi-high maintenance drink on occasion: a venti nonfat, easy caramel, caramel macchiato. And yes, I say “venti,” and yes, I pay $4.00+ for the drink. And I enjoy every drop and every penny of it. :::puffs chest and places hands on hips:::
Two, I’m a Christian. Not the Bible-thumping variety, but I am a member of the Methodist church and adhere to the beliefs (kinda).
Three, I love TV like America’s Funniest Videos. Funniest damn thing on TV, I think. Well, it and Scrubs.
Four, I hated The Sopranos. I even won a DVD box set on a radio show and promptly sold it on Ebay. Oh, I guess similarly…I like morning radio shows.
Hmm, I’m trying to think of other things, but many of them are in keeping with SDMB silent social mores. I’m sure I’ll be back as the thoughts occur to me.
Now, I was brave enough to confess to paying a “lot-tay” for a latte…it’s YOUR turn! Stand tall, my fellow sheeple! Where do you swim against the current?