Come out of the closet: What SDMB rules of a"cool" do you break?

Okay, let’s get this out of the way first and foremost: no flaming, no debating, no pointing and saying, “You WHAT?” The whole point of this thread is to come out of the shadows and admit to swiming against ther stream of SDMB cool.

I’ll go first.

One, I like Starbucks. Hell, I love Starbucks. If we could afford it, we’d go every day. And I order a semi-high maintenance drink on occasion: a venti nonfat, easy caramel, caramel macchiato. And yes, I say “venti,” and yes, I pay $4.00+ for the drink. And I enjoy every drop and every penny of it. :::puffs chest and places hands on hips:::

Two, I’m a Christian. Not the Bible-thumping variety, but I am a member of the Methodist church and adhere to the beliefs (kinda).

Three, I love TV like America’s Funniest Videos. Funniest damn thing on TV, I think. Well, it and Scrubs.

Four, I hated The Sopranos. I even won a DVD box set on a radio show and promptly sold it on Ebay. Oh, I guess similarly…I like morning radio shows.

Hmm, I’m trying to think of other things, but many of them are in keeping with SDMB silent social mores. I’m sure I’ll be back as the thoughts occur to me.

Now, I was brave enough to confess to paying a “lot-tay” for a latte…it’s YOUR turn! Stand tall, my fellow sheeple! Where do you swim against the current?

I roll my eyes whenever anyone mentions “Cecil”

I live in the suburbs and I have been known to visit the occasional chain restaurant and enjoy the meal.

I got married when I was 21.

I like Starbucks, too. I especially like their green tea latte.

I love Starbucks, too. A venti triple white mocha, at 140 degrees, please.

I have some pretty old-fashioned ideas when it comes to dating and marriage, and it’s not for religious reasons at all. For instance, I believe that it’s harmful, rather than beneficial, especially to the woman, for couples to live together before marriage. I’m weird like that on the SDMB.

I don’t care for porn. I don’t think constant jokes about sex are all that funny–the millionth time around.

I have never watched even part of an episode of the Simpson’s. Ditto that Buffy or Firefly. Or The Soprano’s. I’ve never seen the “first” 3 Star Wars episodes-don’t want to.

I don’t know who Opal is–don’t care.
I don’t like coffee, period. I don’t care where those who do like it buy their’s.

I think if someone believes in something (oh, like a religion) that it’s wrong to mock them for it. And wrong to mock their religion. This applies to most, not all, religions because I’m just inconsistent that way. Bible literalists and Scientologists I consider exempt from this principle.

Sometimes I don’t do a spell check. Sometimes I don’t pay any attention to my grammar at all. I’m fine with that.

Van Morrison’s contributions to modern culture were a long time ago. He really needs to go away.

I ordered bacon salt and haven’t opened it yet.

:hangs head is faux shame:

I like Taco Bell.

My wife just discovered Van Morrison. I have to get her a Van Morrison album for her birthday, which is just 10 days after Christmas.

I drink Coors beer because I LIKE THE STUFF!! I cannot choke down another bottle of cloying crapola from New Belgium or Odell’s breweries, and I cannot tell the difference between microbrews.

I like Dick Cheney.

Just a little note to remind everyone to keep from turning this thread personal in a negative manner. That is, if you don’t like another poster or what a poster does (e.g., “I don’t like Such-and-Such’s stories…”), please refrain from mentioning it in this thread.

Good addendum, Skip. :slight_smile:

And that reminds me of another…I LIKE smilies!

So take this! :rolleyes: And that! :smiley:

I don’t give a damn about proper English conventions and spelling.

I try my best here out of respect.

The thought of Bacon Salt makes me a little nauseous.


You mean “nauseated”. If you were a little nauseous, you’d make other people nauseated.

And here’s a smiley for fifty-six, whom I respect and who’s dislikes I like a lot. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I have no interest in sports.
I do not know what bacon salt is.
I too have not seen an episode of Buffy or the Sopranos.
I do not watch the Simpsons.
I buy things at WalMart.
I think most posters in the Pit are rude.

I don’t believe I’ve ever used an emoticon.

I thought of another: I wouldn’t be opposed to having avatars on this board.

The MMPers seem like a bunch of very nice, very good listeners who are always able to provide a pick-me-up or pat on the back or what have you. That said, it’s a bit too cheery for me, so I just stay away. I like my Mondays surly and baggy-eyed.

Sometimes I think that happens too.