I am not really sure where to put this so I am putting it in MPSIMS as it is definately pointless. It could be IMHO because it could be read as a poll. Or it could be Cafe Society because it deals with TV.
The commercial has a cartoony looking kid sitting at a conveyor belt and having machines forcefully make him smoke cigarettes while dollars fly out of his pockets down a toilet. Have you seen it?
I am not a smoker but damn this commercial did exactly the opposite of what it was intending. It makes me want to smoke be cause it looks so cool. Damn them. I bet that stupid ad is even sponsored by Phillip Morris or one of the other big Cig companies. The kid looks completely euphoric while smoking. Damn that looks fun.
I like Mike’s Hard Lemonade but I’ll be damned if the ad running now where the guy gets the extra evil head doesn’t make me want to never look at the stuff again.
My favorite is a print ad for soy milk, with the big tag line being, Trust us, it tastes good! If you have to put that line in an ad involving any kind of food or beverage, the chances of me ever purchasing or consuming said food or beverage is a very high negative number.
The gatorade ad where the athletes and whatnot sweat florecent gatorade out thier pores totally grosses me out and makes me not to ever want to drink that stuff
Any commercial with kids in it that tries to make me think “awww, isn’t that cute”. My real thought is either “that kid looks like he rides the short bus and gets beat up”, or in the case of kids misbehaving, “can we say spank the brat”.
The best example of this is the commercial with the kid jumping up and down on a chocolate syrup bottle and getting on the new white shag carpet. It ain’t cute. It’s infuriating, and ever worse when the parents do nothing.
Current political commercial in Ohio for Ohio Supreme court justices. Part of the commercial has a line that runs something like this. ‘Elect <Insert two candidate names here> where they will make the courts work for the common man.’ In other words, they aren’t going to do their jobs. Their job if they are elected is to rule on the Law, not to make it, that is the legislatures job.
Cottonelle definitely needs a new ad agency. Before the current “butts” commercial there was the “butt lint” commercial. I’m sure they were trying to say that Cottonelle is anti-lint, but they’ll always be associated with butt lint in my mind.
The Diflucan commercials are stupid & gross. Remember the “kiss your cream goodbye”? Yuck! Their current commercial is so stupid it’s not worth discussing.
Progresso is good soup, but the ads are deceptive, in that they’re comparing apples and oranges – or rather, comparing Progresso ready-to-eat soups with the less expensive condensed soups from Campbells; of course they’re not the same. They should be comparing their soups to Campbell’s Chunky selection, a comparable product.
There’s a current McDonald’s ad featuring Donald Trump. Looking at that boor’s face doesn’t make me want to buy cheeseburgers, and in fact makes me think about never eating again.
I also get a weird feeling when I see the same channel advertising two rival companies’ products.
But it gets weirder. In Ohio, there’s a bill that will be voted on by the people of Ohio called Issue 1. It allows drug offenders to be put into treatment instead of jail time. While watching TV last night, I saw a commercial telling me to vote for it. The very next commercial was one telling me to vote against it.
Spanky, I know the guy who provided the bear’s voice for that commerical. I made him swear on pain of death that he would not be involved with another. That spot is evil and must be stopped!
California Governor Davis has a campaign ad running where he proudly says that he’s been working to block all oil drilling in California. Great. We’ll just keep kissing the asses of Saudi Arabia and other countries that hate us as Gray Davis works against self-sufficiency.
Now I don’t know who to vote for.
Ogre, my friends and I were playing games, watchin’ tv, when an Old Navy ad came on, and one person said that that commercial made him swear to never shop there again. We all concurred.
ALL local car commercials make me swear not to shop at the place. They are either incredibly insulting, loud, have idiotic jingles, or all 3. I would even pay MORE to buy a similar car from a place that did not have advertising.