Commercials you love (and some you hate)

That’s Citibank, and I absolutely love those commercials. They’ve come out with two more…a montage of the first three, and a new one of a different scenario. I’ve only seen it once, and I can’t remember exactly what it was.

I think that’s LendingTree.

I hate the ads that don’t tell you what the drug is for. There’s a new one with Patrick Stewart doing the voice-over, Cresto or something? How am I supposed to ask the doctor if Cresto is right for me if I don’t know what it’s supposed to treat? It could be a new prostate cancer drug, for all I know!! :smiley:

I just saw a commercial for some Swiffer product that features past and present TV maids, butlers, etc., like Alice from the Brady Bunch, the one from Will & Grace. I think it’s so cute.

On a side note if any of you haven’t already, I recommend you visit . Very entertaining site.

Must not be any Quiznos in my area because I don’t remember seeing any of their commercials (not tryin’ to brag or anything). :wink:

I miss the lottery Holiday Scratch-Its ads where the little red & white striped scratch-it ends up in the Land of Unwanted Gifts and when they ask what it does, it replies “I smell!” That one was really funny.

Yeah the “$2500 for my robot… my girl robot” and “$1500 for the leather bustier” are good too.

Is that Yeardley Smith in the commercials where she kisses the cable guy and the kids say “ewww”?

He says copied. “You copied my Whopper?”

It makes more sense that way.

Me too!

I liked the original ESPN The Magazine commercial. It was a cheerleader talking about how she’s not just a pretty girl to look at, she’s a knowledgeable sports fan. “That’s why I read esspen the magazine.” hehheh, cracked me up every time.

I like the ebay commercials too.
I hate the Jumbone commercial. There’s also a commercial on, usually late at night, for diet pills (I think.). Their big thing is that they’ll send you a month’s supply for free, and after they mention that, a “satisfied customer” pops up with “Well if they’re giving it away, it MUST be good!”
Uh, now. If they have to give away a month’s supply of whatever they’re selling, my first reaction is that it must be pretty crappy.

Also hate:
Every kiss begins with Kay. - are these also the ones where the couple is outside and the man yells out “I love this woman!” and she looks embarassed and shushes him, and then he gives her diamonds and she gets all teary and says “I love this man.” Blech.
Yoplait- The women sitting around, eating yogurt and exclaiming about how “This is day at the spa good!” It’s fucking yogurt, ladies.
Welches- I hate the commercials with the irritating kids talking about grape juice.

Oh, the Welch’s commercials are the worst… they make me want to have a vasectomy.

Although the short haired gal in the Yoplait commercials is kinda cute.

Just remembered 2 more:

The truck commercial where the guy is imitating his boss. “This is a worksite - if ya don’t work, get out of my site” and “you’re driving me up a wall we ain’t even built yet.” Very few commercials can lay claim to having entertainment value.

The commercial with the “streaking party”: the look on the face of the woman on the right is priceless.

Elf6c… just reading your rendition of the Begginstrips commercial cracked me up, and I’ve never seen that one.

Ha… “I CAN’T READ!”… haha…

I also love the “my girl robot” and “it lifts and separates”… those are great.

I really HATE the Sudafed commercial where a bunch of people go up to some counter, tell the guy their symptoms, and he points them to aisle five, which is a whole aisle of just sudafed.

WHY do you have an aisle full of just Sudafed?! I know, it’s not real… illogical things like that bug me.

It hasn’t been on recently (and I can’t remember the car stereo-maker it advertised, which is probably why), but my personal favorite commercial of all time features Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust” playing on a stereo, showing the interior of a nice-looking car, with a well-dressed driver enthusiastically rocking out to the music. As it pans out, it’s revealed that the car is a hearse, leading a funeral procession.

It’s for Aiwa, I believe. The best part is the disapproving glares of the guy in the passenger seat.

rose: As for the Beggin’ Strips ad, I can’t believe I can do this, but I know the whole thing from heart:

I feel sooooo pathetic…

That’s CitiBank, and my kids and I love those ads! They’ve got one now that’s got parts from all of them clipped together. My personal favorite is the one where the tough guy’s voice is coming out of an older woman, and he’s telling how he got a truck with four mud flaps, “the ones with the naked ladies … ooooh, mamacita!” with a little growl in there. I roll every time I see that one. :slight_smile: My kids favor the “GIRL robot” one though.

Unfortunately, there are too many that I dislike to even begin to mention them here, so it’s good to find one, every once in a while, that you can at least tolerate. I know there’s another one that I kinda watch out for, but can’t think of it right now! LOL

There’s a local ad that cracks me up - it’s a commercial for a local hospital that features a guy lying in a hyberbaric chamber, while the VO talks about all the up–to-the-minute facilities of the hospital, like the hyberbaric chamber. All the while, there’s this raspy, Darth Vader-like breathing going on in the background. As the VO ends, a nurse comes over and picks up a phone handset and tells the guy, “You don’t have to do that. Just breathe normally.”
He says, “Oh, okay, sorry.” He looks all embarrassed, and a little disappointed. He was having fun breathing like that. It’s really funny.

I hate the “good news/bad news” ones for Geico. I keep expecting one to go “Well, two planes just hit the World Trade Towers. But I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance with Geico.”

Love the Citibank identity theft ones. All of 'em.

Also love the Jumbone one. Catchy, short, works (your remember the product name and its benefits, the whole point of an ad, after all). Sorry, Silver Fire.

Beggin’ Strips is in the Hall of Fame. Has withstood the test of time. Somehow it still makes me smile.

Current fave is the FedEx “We’re DOOMED!” “Doomed” (Taking the drama out of overmight delivery…) Something about their facial expressions and body movements just cracks me up. But this one seems to have come and gone pretty quickly. Too bad.
Hate the Welch’s ones. Leap-up-and-grab-the-remote hate them.

And the ones for the truck with the “hemi” where the wife/mother is talking about the nice features to the son and the husband/dad has to talk about the “tough” stuff, as if the wife/mom might turn the 2 year old gay or something (GASP!).

I love the one for Office Max or Staples with “Rubber Band Man” pushing his cart around and dancing. The best part is the guy with the giant blade paper slicer smiling at the RBM, paying no attention to the blade, while the RBM is smiling and restocking the first aid kit.

I don’t know…usually I would agree with you, but in this case, Using Devo to sell mops just fits right in with their subversive masterplan for the De-Evolution of society
Nobody mentioned the A&W (I think) ‘dumbass’ comercial, where the Joe Piscopo looking guy is being interviewed by Mr. Dumas of Dumas and Dumas, and he says, “I feel I’d make a great asset to the firm of Dumbass and Dumbass.” I only ever saw it twice, but it was the funniest commercial I’ve ever seen.

I love the Mitsubishi accident avoidance commercial. The online ending rocks and I find myself singing along everytime it comes on.

ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz

I also love the Six Flags commerical with the dancing old man and his tour bus. He’s so cute, I just want to wrap him up and take him home.

There used to be a commerical for a local technical school that was inadvertently funny. Girl #1 tells her friend about her AWESOME program at the Institute of Technical Court Reporting and Cosmetology. Friend #2 just stands there slack jawed with a Big Gulp held up to her chin. Looooong pause…

[Girl #2] “Really?” sluuurrppppppp

The name is “Dumáss.”

What a dumbass.

I like that commercial, too.

My favorite Beggin’ Strips commercial is the one where the dog is given a Rorschach test. The psychiatrist holds up a bag of Beggin’ Strips at the end and says, as though completely stumped, “Dogs don’t know it’s not bacon!”