Commercials you love (and some you hate)

I just saw this one last night and was going to add it. I love this commercial. Doomed!

There’s a commercial about trucks, maybe for a local dealer, I’m not sure, that goes along with the “I like big butts” song. Instead, it goes "I like big trucks abd I cannot lie - yada yada - something about a “big ol’ van” and SUVs. It’s really, really bad. Plus, I get the song stuck in my head after that and it’s really annoying.

Those new Quiznos commercials are absolutely, hands down, the most ANNOYING thing I have ever seen on TV. Well, OK, there was Full House…so the most annoying commercials I’ve ever seen on TV.

        Love the Citibank commercials for identity theft.  "This is gonna be the best prom ever."  That parts my favorite because I like its subtlety.  If you think about it, he's making a $20000 girl robot for prom.....couldn't he just hire a stripper or prostitute for that much money?  Heck, there are some washed up supermodels he could probably get for $20000 a night.  OK, maybe they don't take credit cards.  Sure.

          I have always hated Burger King commercials.  The most recent "You copied my whopper" ads I also hate.  Just stupid.  

          The one that really annoys me is the yogurt ad where they play the Itsy Bitsy Teeny weeny song.  First of all, the following is not meant as a suggestion that the girl in the ad is overweight or needs to lose weight or anything like that.  She is OK.  Nothing great, but she looks fine.  So put that aside for a moment....

She doesn’t actually appear to LOSE any weight during that commercial, she just progressively wears less baggy clothes. Also, if you see the bikini, its not really so tiny anway. Its just an average bikini. Finally, I hate the end where she, in a not so subtle way, has to put the strap back up on her shoulder, implying she has lost “too much” for this tiny like suit. All this seems to mean is that she bought a top that was too big for her breasts. Most of the weight women accumulate is around their waist, thighs, etc. Any weight she would lose via her apparent “yogurt diet” would be seem unlikely to change her bust size, unless she lost a HUGE amount and was very large to begin with, which she was not.

       I just don't like it.

I hate the new campaign for KFC- Kitchen Fresh Chicken- especially the one where the man comes home to find his lady eating chicken strips and says, “Chicken strips?” and she, looking possessed by Satan, insists, “No, Kitchen Strips.” He says, “You mean chicken strips?” “No, Kitchen Strips.” This brilliant back and forth continues until I am a horrified little ball in the corner of the sofa. The woman is SO SCARY looking, and the only thing slightly redeeming is that the man in the commercial is staring at her with the look that you yourself would wear if you came home to find that your SO had become a hollow Kitchen Strip consuming shell spouting idiotic marketing drivel.

Also, I dislike those Dodge Ram Hemi commercials. I don’t know what a Hemi is (though it’s trademarked, so that probably means it’s just a fancy name for an 8 cylinder engine) but the man who owns the Massive, Unnecessary Vehicle looks like King Asshole. The one where he and his wife go to the marriage councellor is especially awful. Bleh.

I like the Quiznos ads though. I appreciate an eatery using what looks like dead mice to sell me food. That takes nuts.


I saw a Tampax commercial today. We see a woman open a cabinet, shake an empty box of Tampax tampons, and reach for another box that simply says “Tampons” on it. After pulling her hand away in disgust and giving the evil, generic tampons “the look”, she goes to another room. She rudely barges in while saying, “Hey do you have any Tam…” [see’s the other girl making out] “…pax”.

Then she does this odd Mission Impossible thing, rolling about on the floor and whatnot, until she finds her precious Tampax. FREEZE FRAME happy chick holding Tampax in the air like it was the Stanley Cup. Then out she goes, rolling along on a skateboard.

Okay, first of all, why are you leaving empty boxes of tampons in your cabinet? Second, if Tampax brand tampons are so important, why do you even have the generic ones? Third (and, I believe, most important) how in the hell would you not notice some crazy person rolling around your room? And why didn’t you notice her when she opened your door while talking to you? I mean, c’mon! That guy didn’t look all that interesting!

Also, I miss the Snickers Cruncher commercial with the guy in the way oversized SUV. “The whole thing’s a phone. I’m on the phone right now – conference call, overseas.” I loved that commercial.

My current favorite is for The one where they are telling Shatner that he is being replaced. The exchange at the end between Shatner and Nimoy, with the sudden realization by Shatner cracks me up everytime.

I was amazed that no one else had mentioned this ad, but you have not failed me, Max:

I love the Rubber Band Man! I want to work with a Rubber Band Man! I think that every workplace should have a Rubber Band Man just like that!

Another vote for all of the identity theft “lifts and separates” “girl robot” ads and the “We’re DOOMED” ads. Great ads.

I can’t stand the (I can’t forget the company) some business company (printers, and copiers) that shows a business meeting with all the different employees standing up and showing a sign with a big red smile shape and the catch-phrase they are supposed to parrot. The guy running the meeting announces that the company is going to get these new printers and then asks the people to show the signs: “Show 'em Andy!” and Andy stands up, shows his lame-ass sign, and says, “They’re People-friendly!” and the next person is prompted to stand up and show their lame-ass sign that says, “They’re Network friendly!” And so forth. So lame.

There are a lot more I hate: The Christy Lane CD (she does these super syrupy old songs and bleach), the “size does matter” ad with the guy cutting the sausage, and others.

That should be:

Really? I always thought punctuation marks went inside the quotes.

I cannot believe how everyone likes those Citi identity theft ads. I mean, the concepts good enough, and the lines are funny, but why in the name of all that’s holy do all identity thieves have the most fricking annoying voices conceivable???

Periods and commas do go inside the quotes. At least in America and sometimes in Canada. Cite. (And there’s plenty more cites where that came from!) :wink:

Thank you, yosemitebabe. That was scary! :cool:

Damn! I meant to hit preview and submitted instead.

I was gonna say it was scary because I was thinking of all the times I screwed up if punctuation marks really did go outside the quotes. :slight_smile:

Punctuation goes inside the quotes unless you are citing a source, then it goes outside the cite, for example <I>“Pepper is the most amazing poster ever” (The Book of Pepper). </I>

For some reason the FedEx “We’re Doomed” commercials remind me of William Shatner as James T. Kirk…“We’re…DOOMED!”

Gorsnak, I think the voices on the Citibank ads are supposed to be annoying. For one, these are bad people, and we don’t want bad people to sound nice. :wink: For another, the juxtaposition between the beer drinking trailer guy and the Cheerleader Valley Girl voice, between Grandma and the Truck Driving Felon voice, is what makes it so funny.*

*Not that all cheerleaders and truck drivers are identity thieves. That’s just how I characterized their voices.

I don’t like the new VW commercial which is trying to sell the car based on the fact that it accelerates quickly, only it doesn’t. I’ve seen brick walls accelerate faster than that car.

Oh, and I guess I’m going against everyone else, but the one commercial I absolutely can not stand would be the “girl robot” ad. Puts us nerds in a bad light if you ask me.

Also, I don’t know why this bugs me, every time I see the identity theft commercial with the trucker, I think “What truck has a V8 and 500HP? I know of a truck that gets 500 HP, but it has a V10”

Oh, I understand that it’s clearly intentional. But for me, at least, it makes those ads akin to listening to fingernails on a blackboard. Painful.


Happy to help!

Hmm…the ones I hate most haven’t been mentioned yet, namely the one for the Lays-in-a-can with that stupid, stupid woman in the casino. It took me forever to figure out she wasn’t just making really strange noises, but was saying “One for you, one for you, one for you, ten for me!” or something like that. That is the absolute worst commericial I can think of. Other nominations include the Mott’s Fruitsation girl “I just love them…the way they taste…”, and the Maple Leaf roast commercial.

The first time I saw that Quizno’s commercial, I laughed until I cried and then cried until I was laughing again. I swear to god, my stomach hurt for hours. I still have to stop and cackle every time it comes on. The best was going back to Oregon for a visit a couple weeks ago, and while having beers with friends someone starting singing “We love the subs!” The whole room lost it.

Mr. Bunny is especially fond of one of those new walkie-talkie commercials, with the emus. If that commercial comes on and I don’t yell for him so he can watch it, he gets sad. I think it’s cute, but I don’t get that much out of it.

My most hated commercials of the moment are those effing digital camera commercials that use The Cure’s “Pictures of You”. My God. I feel seven hundred years old every time one comes on, and I get all choked up and actually get tears in my eyes because that song means so much to me and I grew up on it and it’s being WHORED OUT for COMPUTER PRODUCTS. I also feel similarly about Ween selling cars with “Ocean Man”, The Ramones “Blitzkreig Bop” selling cell phones or something, Iggy Pop hawking cruise lines with “Lust For Life”, and Tones On Tail used for stain resistant Dockers, with “Go!” It’s a travesty. No song that I ever played at top volume and sang along to with friends while headed to a nightclub at the age of seventeen should ever be used in a commercial. :mad:

Oh, and some commercial where this guy and girl are doing rock, paper, scissors to see who cleans the litter box, and she wins and dances around like some stupid three year old chanting “I’m cleaning the litter box, I’m cleaning the litter box”. I hate that woman with the firey passion of a thousand suns. I’d like to rub her face in that litter box she’s so happy to clean.

Yeah, I like that one, too. “Get Mama!”
I also like the other one, with a guy in a Starbucks-like cafe, and the smoking laptop. He gets on his Nextel to his computer guru and has one of those quick one-worded conversations with the guy, until another guy shows up and takes the smoking laptop and replaces it with a new one. He then says “Replaced” into his Nextel, the original guy says, “How’d you do that?” and the computer guru just hangs up and rolls his eyes.
JFTR, I hated the first batch of those Nextel ads; the couple getting married by Nextel, the high schoolers putting “Romeo and Juliet” by Nextel and the office meeting (“Pittsburgh?” “Good paper!”)