Common Spelling Errors on the Dope

Don’t forget it’s when it should be its.

“Close minded”.

It’s a deserved comeuppance. Check out Snopes on the matter.

I’ve read the thread carefully, but I’m afraid that as far as spelling goes, I’m like a puppy peeing on the carpet. You have to catch me when it happens and yell at me right away, or I’ll never learn.

I did notice that I’ve been misspelling ad nauseam, though, so thanks, astroian.

Well, thanks, SkipMagic - how did I get as old as I am and not know that?

Don’t worry, FairyChatMom, my SO corrects me constantly for all the words I mispronounce. Besides “I luv ya’!” or “Can we get naked now?”, the phrase I utter the most often to her is, “Huh. So, that’s how you say it.”

Dear gawd, I’m never writing anything, ever again. I swear half that list looks okay to me. Too much time on message boards, corrupting whatever ability to spell I might once have had…

“deity” – correct, 1277 hits on SDMB
“diety” – incorrect, 385 hits

At least the correct spelling is way out in front!

All of the words in that list are spelled correctly - it’s that the OP has seen them misspelled often enough to gripe.

Half the list looks okay to you, spinningplates? I’ll have you know I carefully checked each spelling before posting here! :smiley:

(“deity” is another one to add to the list. Good catch.)

“bias” for “biased”

‘alot’ instead of ‘a lot’ - they are two words, not one. I see this so often that I sometimes wonder if that’s how Americans are taught to spell it.