Community 1.24: "English as a Second Language" (open spoilers)

Good, but not great. Somewhere between Meh and Liked it.

To me it seemed the comedy suffered to make the storyline work. They tried to fix it by inserting the Troy storyline, but it didn’t cut it, as the whole storyline fizzled out. Just because you parody something does not make it funny.

It speaks volumes about the show that their chief competition is themself- each episode is compared to previous episodes. I’ve yet to see the most relatively meh-pisode that didn’t dance circles around the best episodes of most other shows (*30 Rock *and a couple of others perhaps excepted).

It was funny. Not one of the best, but still worth watching. I didn’t care for the Troy-plumbing bit.

“I’m confused. I’m supposed to tip my bag boy?”

The Good Troy Plumbing bit would have been better if the problem had been more complicated than tightening a valve.