Loved tonight’s episode. I’ve been wondering how they’ll keep the group together semester after semester. The reveal at the end regarding why the final was so easy was great.
I love this show, but this episode was kinda meh compared to the last two. There were some good lines though.
No where near as good as the last couple of episodes but it accomplished what it needed to, namely keeping the group together and allowing Senior Chamg to stay around. I didn’t really like the Good Will Hunting sub plot but I did like the lead in with Troy looking at the unsolvable problem.
I liked that there was no mention of Jeff and Britta hooking up and Abed’s line that he can’t connect to people except through movies.
“Ark of the Covenant”
A slight decline from the last couple of weeks, but still first-class comedy.
One of their worst episodes. Not bad but I expect better from this show.
It was a good change of pace from the last few episodes. It felt more grounded in normal everyday life, or at least, as normal as it gets at Greendale. They answered a lot of the questions that I had about future seasons in this episode, so I was pleased with that. I had been wondering why they didn’t seem to learn any Spanish after two whole semesters. Plus, it addressed the problem with having the group stay in Spanish after their language requirements were met.
Loved the soothing nature sound recordings that the Dean played, especially the B side. The best part of the episode for me was the Jeff and Annie interaction. I’m no shipper by any means, but the actors just seem to play off each other so well. Where’s Vaughn though?
I’m a little concerned about Senor Chang as a student though. I’ll miss that office of his. Somehow a cocky, semi-psychotic student doesn’t seem nearly as endearing as a cocky, semi-psychotic Spanish instructor.
will he be part of the group? or will Senor Chang be someone in the background like Starburns?
Pierce - you horndog.
I thought he was going to start to teach music. He does play the key-tar.
I suspect Señor Chang will continue to have b-stories.
He is now in the opening credits, so I think you’re right.
Overall it was a pretty low episode, and as it ended I was all set to say, “worst ever.” And then Pierse and the Spanish teacher! Brilliant. Made up for the rest of the episode. It was so weird and unexpected.
I did like the backwards Good Will Hunting, but it didn’t go any where, almost as if they meant to have a whole episode about it but instead switched it to being about Annie.
Chang in safety goggles cracked me up, I find more and more of my generation employing basic safety lessons as we do something stupid.
And Shirley is now getting the best throw away lines: “…horoscopes are the devil trying to trick us.”
Colorado sure seems to have a lot of palm trees.
And where is the hot statistics prof? She was gone with a small hint of an explanation. I have noticed that this show and Big Bang Theory keep dropping characters like they were not an important part of the previous episode.
I liked it. As expected, it couldn’t reach the pinnacle of last week, but that’s fine.
I loved that Annie suggested they try to stay together next year, and there were literally crickets chirping. That was set up nicely.
I loved the Good Will Hunting stuff for the awesome musical cues alone.
She broke up with Jeff. There was a whole episode about it.
Troy: “I think the half I understood made up for the half that I didn’t.”
Abed: “Like the first season of The Wire.”
I love this show.
I loved the “did you just pronounce guitar like a hillbilly?” bit and the fakeout with Troy looking at the equation/formula/whatever that thing was.
Britta and Abed sure were snuggling at least twice in the episode- when everyone was asleep, and then after the final in the hallway. Has that happened before?
Also, has Shirley always pronounced Britta and Annie slightly oddly, or did that start recently?
I think it’s been going on for a while; it’s more pronounced with “Britta.” Maybe I notice it more because my mother-in-law does that. “Bis-co-tt-i.” She makes four t’s out of two.
The part with Jeff and Señor Chang on the ground and out of breath reminded me of the crucifixion scene in Spartacus and of course various Jesus movies.