Mom’s 90 and quite able to do things for herself.
Until last week.
A fall Christmas eve had apparently given her a hidden case of whiplash.
Kind of wierd but she developed a terrific headache and had to be taken to the hospital.Cortizone shot in the neck.
The next day she began halucinating. It looks like we might have that under control
but when she gets home she will need someone with her to make sure everything goes well.
Anyway if all goes well We are thinking of a full time “companion.”
Basicly I’m in the dark as to searching for someone.
I’ve seen the ocasional ad in the newspaper and I’m wondering if that is the best way to find someone.
What should I be looking for (Ax murderers need not apply) seems a bit harsh for the classifieds.
Anyone had any experience with “companions” for their elderly relitives?
A quick check of your public profile show you are in the US but if it was the UK I would have recommended “The Lady” magazine, or maybe “The Field”. Ladies companions are sort of old fashioned and pretty much only for the landed rich upper classes back home so you look in magazines that target that sort of readership. Posh ladies of “a certain age”…
Do you not have titles similar in the US?
Another alternative, maybe staff agencies that specialise in domestic staff and look for an experienced housekeeper?
How awful.
Have you looked into assisted-living apartments? That might be a better bet, as you can “up” the level of care she needs from time to time.
A newspaper ad might work. Check with employment agencies (not the temp agencies but agencies which work placing people in permanent positions). Check the yellow pages under “Nurses” and “Home Health Services.” Does your mother have insurance? Check with her insurance company to see if they have specific providers that need to be used. I realize you’re not necessarily looking for full-time nursing care but if there are medical issues then you might as well get those services covered if you can.
I used to work for a company that offered the service that you seem to be looking for, as long as it is non-medical. Here is the site Home Helpers It is worth looking into.
I worked with varying situations, like helping a couple around the house while the lady recovered from hip replacement, accompanying another lady to the grocery store, driving her to appointments, that sort of thing. I also cleaned house and cooked for another couple.
Unfortunately the job didn’t work out for me, but while it did I enjoyed it.
Good luck.
Just got back from the hospital.
WOW what a difference.
No Hallucinations.(Whew)
But she didn’t recognize my brother who spends the most time with her.
Didn’t remember that she was talking to him 20 minutes before.
This stuff takes time I guess.
Still a little confused but sat down and talked to him about paying her bills, which ones are due etc. Clear thinking clear chosen words This is really wierd.
We really don’t have titles like you Brits do.
We also aren’t rich,or even close to it.
It would be a real struggle considering her “Income”.
I’ll have to check the site after I get off work tonight.
We’ve got a lot of work to do finding the right person.
Again, I stress the possibility of assisted living. That way she will already be in place with a support system should she ever need round-the-clock nursing, on a full- or part-time basis.
Try asking the hospital social services dept. (while she is still in the hospital!) what options there are in your neighborhood and price range.
Best of luck. Old age sucks.
thanks for the comments.
Her doctors seem to agree that its very important for her to get back to the familiar surrondings of her own home.
She has lived there nearly 50 years. OMG I remember when we didn’t live there.
Older folks get stressed easily so that calming effect is important.
The assisted living may be best but not quite yet.
Well Mom got home this morning.
Wow what a strange,strange week.
She remembers the halucinations and how real they were.
Still not recognizing people occasionally but when you tell her who they are she remembers.
Most of the time she is mentally sharp but sometimes a strange comment sneaks out. Maybe just tired.
Anyway thanks to all for the comments.
We have called a family conference this weekend to talk it over.
Thanks again