Completed Title Changes Thread {Mar 2024}

This is the thread to move completed title changes to, from Custom Titles Queue.

Request changes in the Custom Titles Queue.

Current title: I dont think I have one, nothing shows up under my name.

Requested title: 2023 Death Pool Top Ghoul

Current title: Honored Guest (but without the “Honored”)

Requested title: Contemptible Greedhead

Current title: Guest
Requested title: Guess

I’ve personally always wanted to have the title of “Board Whipping Boy,”

was Member

“Slightly Less Ignorant Since 2009 (He/Him)”


Requested Title- Mad Scientist (He/Him/Herr Doktor)

Wait, what? Am I the first request? Jeez…

Maybe: Cat Herdress (is that a word?)

And yes, including the (… )

ETA: Which takes care of the pronouns for this female with a male nom de board.

was Charter Member

Current title is just “Guest”. Requested title:
Pedantic canine



Out Of The Blue

I had considered Mrs. George Santos but I am going with what I have striven all my life to be, and succeeded:
Ad lib queen

Current: Guest

Requested: Walking Thesaurus

Zymolosely polydactile

Was: charter member



“Not the answer you were hoping for”

Please and thank you :slight_smile:

I am now titled “Charter Member”

I wish to be titled “Prolifically Prolix Charter Member”.


Millionaire - I own a mansion and a yacht

Old: Guest

New: Sufficiently Suffonsified (He/Him)

Previous title - Charter Member
Requested title - Not Venerable Just Old (He/Them/It)

I would like my title to be Chicken of Bristol.

Was Charter Member

Currently: guest

Would like to be: Old-timer