I gave this a lot of careful thought so I’m guessing this belongs in IMHO.
I was just wondering if any of you people have been crazy about a game that you’ve either waited expectantly to come out or found and enjoyed and why you liked them.
This was brought on by my own interest and mania (I pre-ordered the game) in Vampire: the Masquerade Redemption.
So what games have you been unable to tear yourself away from or wait till they came out?
Unable to be torn away from: Half-Life, and its expansion pack. Man alive, that game is SOOOOO nerve-wracking…
Can’t wait 'til it comes out: Diablo II. We just got our hands on the Battle.Net Stress Test, and lemme tell ya, if the rest of the game is this good, it was WELL worth the wait.
I was also breathlessly awaiting Ultima: Ascension, but that was quite a disappointment. Descent 3, however, was not. Quake 3 ain’t as amazing a game as I thought, but at least it displays a huge step up in graphics.
Sorry for all the off-topic crap, but computer games are my subject of expertise. So if anyone’s looking for a good game… come to me.
I’m reluctant to buy games but I have Half-Life + exansions (OpFor, DarkStar, They Hunger) and I like them all too. I only bought Half-Life after several different people said it was particularly fun, and it is - if you want to do the action-game guy-running-around-shooting-stuff thing. I think Half-Life has too many weapons though: they all do different stuff but they don’t really add much to the game overall. Many, many, many game publishers substitute game complexity for an original, entertaining concept. I don’t get the attraction of RPGs at all.
Rainbow Six is another that I bought and is supposed to be great but I gave up on it some months back - too many damn controls, a typing lesson with eye-candy. - MC
I was with my son and had a coupon for a free game (for buying a printer) and talked him into MYST Masterpiece Edition because it looked like one I might be able to play with him. Bored us both to giving up games for 3 months now.
Hey, Myst is awesome! But I do have to admit, it is pretty difficult and may get boring if you get stuck. I think I’ll play that now, it’s been awhile.
I’m just wild about the Final Fantasy series. In fact, I bought my Playstation only because I knew that SquareSoft was going to make FFVII for that console. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have bothered with this generation of game consoles.
My husband knows that I expect each new Final Fantasy as they become available, and that he’d darn well better GET it for me, or live will become unbearable around here.
The world is Square!
As for actual computer games, I used to really enjoy the Zork series. I drooled over Return to Zork, and was in ecstasy when I finally got it. It’s fantastic, I still play it. I also eagerly anticipated Zork: Nemesis, but I was rather disappointed in that one. I haven’t bothered with Zork: Grand Inquisitor.
Grand Inquisitor is better than Nemesis, as a Zork game, anyway. It went back to the humorous atmosphere of the other Zork games (who is the boss of you? ME! I am the boss of you!).
The ones I got seriously addicted to were Myst (played nonstop for a day and a half until I finished it) and Starcraft.
Myst was always one of my favorites - I need to dig that out and give it another go.
SimCity 2000 kept me awake for most of an entire week. First, because I was trying to get the hang of it, then, because I got the hang of it. I had cities growing out of my ears :). Now, I’m all SimCitied out.
I’ve always had a weakness for the Infocom word adventures. Once I start, I can’t stop. They are just so well done. I’ve played other word adventures, but most just don’t compare. I still have all my old Infocom packages and disks from my old Commodore 64 (can you say “pack rat”?) - that’s how long I’ve been playing those games (you’d think I would have solved them all by now, right?
I absolutely love ‘Age of Empires’, and was really excited when the second one came out. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to play it due to having a slow computer.
When I was little, I couldn’t tear myself away from playing ‘Dung Beetles’ and ‘Swashbuckler’ on the 'ol Apple. Just thought I’d throw that in for kicks…
No game has ever made me wanting to spend every hour playing it like Doom did when it first came out. It was unlike anything I had seen before, and I would spend the day at work looking forward to going home to play it. I liked Wolfenstein 3D, but it didn’t “prepare” me for what was to come with Doom. I still like first-person-shooters (fps), but the advances have been evolutionary, not revolutionary like in the advances from Wolf3d to Doom.
I hear Id has sold permission for a 3rd party company to develop an updated Wolf3d with Quake 3 technology, and Id’s next project will be an update of Doom with post-Quake3 technology.
Civilization and Civ 2 had the “just one more turn” effect that kept me up later than I should have been. Civ Call To Power seemed good, but for some reason didn’t capture my attention. I think I just got burned out on that tyoe of game.
Well, I’m a fan of the Maniac Mansion games myself. I would, however, rather hammer a rusty icepick into my skull and call it candy than play Myst or its horrible, horrible sequel.
Adventure - Colossal Cave. In the mid 70’s I played this text-based game obsessively on the Cyber 7000 series at Cal State Fullerton. I mapped out the cave and was able to get all points excepts for one - I always had to buy batteries for my lamp. Even went on TALK to get hints (bad girl). I still play on occasion. I liked it because I could imagine what sort of space I was in, and I’m sure it was very different from the guy sitting next to me, playing the same game.
I also played Doom and other Doom-style games but found that I couldn’t play these by myself…late at night…in the dark. The noises creeped me out too much. I loved Heretic, Heretic2 and the 7th Guest. My old boss and I would connect together via modems and play Heretic (I loved it when I could zap him into becoming a chicken). Great fun!
But Advent will always have a special place in my heart (sort of like a “first kiss” thing).
I totally understand, Topaz. I ordered the special edition like two weeks ago and am counting the days until Tuesday. We’ll have to play over the Internet, K? I also couldn’t wait for Ruins of Kunurk, but a couple weeks after I got it I got sick of Everquest, great game but you have to devote your life to it. Also Planescape Torment had me wating and was great. After Vampire the only game I will be waiting for is Team Fortress 2… although I dont even have Team Fortress Classic.
I was addicted to Rainbox Six, then became fixated on the expansion for it, Rogue Spear, and now I can’t stop playing the add-on, Urban Operations. I just love that series.
Currently/Have played too much: Fallout I and II, Diablo, Starcraft, Warcrat and 2 (Blizzard rules), Age of Empires 2 (I haven’t played the original),Civilization I and II, as well as call to power and Alpha Centauri (I’ve mastered all except for call to power) and, for about a week, Sim City 2000. Then I figured out the right way to mix Industrial, Residential, and Commercial, and suddenly I gained huge amounts of money. And, of course, Half Life and Opposing Force. Awesome games. Oh yea, and whenever I hang out at my Mac friend’s house, it’s networked Marathon for hours.
Will play too much: Diablo 2!!! Also looks good: SiN, Fallout 3 (It’ll come out, I swear…) and (should it ever come out) Halflife 2.
I play way, way way too much of these games