My computer locks up when trying to scroll down to the bottom of a page. It was suggested that it might be full hard drive. It’s a 2 gig drive with 802K free. So I don’t think thats it.Any suggestions? Really I’m surprised I have gotten this far in this message. Guess I haven’t posted it yet. Wish me luck.
802K free?
My WAG is that it’s a virtual memory problem. VM resides on your hard drive. Try to free about 20 MB’s and see if it still locks up.
Would you believe 802Meg
Ducks head while face turns red
I’ve been deleating files all day. Those that I could tell were worthless.I don’t know about the rest. Don’t know how to tell.
Strangely,I’ve noticed that clicking the side bar down will cause(effect?) the lock up.I have beter luck dragging the bar down.Do you suppose the mouse could cause it?
First solution. Easy, safe, easy to undo.
Go to
Start/ Settings/ Control Panel/ System
Performance tab/ Graphics/ Hardware Acceleration
Slide option to “None”. It will ask to reboot. Do so.
Problem solved, and you probably will never miss that “acceleration”.
Second solution. Hard, risky, impossible to undo.
Get software (freeware from , etc.)to ferret out duplicate, old .dll files.
Look for those with the same name as others, but with different dates. The newer the date, the more likely it is to be correct.
If you use the second solution, rename the files (say from .dll to .dl_ ) so you can undo them if things don’t get better, or if they get worse.
Good luck.
you ain’t done yet.
Go to the “Preferences” menu in whatever browser you’re using and clear the caches.
Also do a “Find” for “tmp” and “chk” files resident on your hard drive. Be careful not to delete any application files, just send all the plain vanilla temporary internet and check files to the Recycle Bin. Leave 'em there until after you reboot to make sure that you’re only deleting files you won’t need again.
Then empty the bin.
And finally, defrag the drive.
(I’m assuming even the newer versions of Windows needs this kind of attention, Win95 does. I’m just an old fashioned girl.)
You’ll be amazed at the space you free up; I recently did all this for my mother’s machine. She’s had that computer for several years and just didn’t know about this kind of basic maintenance. I freed up about half her hard drive.
You might also want to look into one of the cleaning utilities. I’ve had Norton’s on my machine before, I’ve had the best results by installing it, running the cleaning utility, letting it remove the redundant applications/files, scan and defrag . . . and then uninstall Norton. (It’s just a pain in the butt to have around every day, it gets in your way.)
What version of Windows are you on? Does it have all the upgrades/patches on it? Older versions of Windows tend to have a tougher time with vB.
Hope this helps. If it doesn’t, you might consider looking at more solutions, such as getting more RAM . . . a bigger hard drive . . . or maybe, a new computer.
your humble TubaDiva
With 802Meg free, there’s no point in removing more files.
And memory should not affect ability to scroll.
The problem with crashes on scrolls is always a mis-matched application extension problem/
“you probably will never miss that “acceleration””
haha. If you do that you’ll also keep certain video cards from doing their jobs. Mine only works if accelleration is always set to FULL…
As for the scroll issue, I don’t have a set answer yet because an attempt to read your mind about what type of computer you have, came thru fuzzy. I plan to talk to the Amaxing Randy to find out if I can read your mind so I know what computer you have, lets see its a Mac, right? Okay, Operating System is OS8? No? Shucks. Maybe later I can tune in.
Thanks Guys,and Lovely ladies
I have been having trouble even accesing this thread. Tried 5 times to read Tuba’s comments.
I was sitting here scratching my head and decided to try Tshirts fix and it seems to work. The one with the turn down acceleration control.
Does anyone have any ideas why this problem would start all of a sudden???
I first noticed it last week but it was only once or twice a day.Until 10 minutes ago it was every time I got on and so bad I could just barely open the thread.
We’ll see if it lasts . Later I’ll try to speed it up a notch. I’m in" None" now .I tried to turn it down just one notch but it froze up again.
It is a Gateway 166 Pentium with MMX
Hey Tshirts
Thanks a lot.
So you are dealing with an older model machine, correct?
And Windows. What flavor? Have you applied any of the service packs to your installation?
vB doesn’t work so well for older versions of Windows, that may be contributing to your woes.
BTW . . . what browser are you using, and what version? vB works best with the most recent version of Internet Explorer. If your browser is old (and especially if it’s Netscape), that might be your problem right there.
your humble TubaDiva
We bought the computer new in 97
netscape 95 with smart update 4.6 iirc
Win 95 don’t know about service packs
After slowing down the acceleration it seems to be acting normal.
My pleasure
If it doesnt happen with other sites on the net there isn’t much you can do about it.
Are you using the mouse to scroll or the arrows buttons? try using the arrow buttons.
It does happen with other sites. Sorry if I gave that impression. It happens most with SDMB because I’ve been spending more time here.
It did happen with the arrow buttons but it was more noticible with the mouse.Sometimes I’d move close with the arrows and close the gap with the mouse and it would lock up.
Really frustrating.
I thought it was only web sites but last night my wifes Hot Mail did it.
Tshirts acceleration suggestion fixed it. Don’t know why it worked with acceleration on but not now.
My daughter tried to load “Third Dimension” the other day and it failed. Thats about the time this bout with lockup started.
Funny, when I saw that tshirts’ fix solved your problem and before I saw the type of PC you had, I was about to ask if you had a Gateway.
One of my customers had about a hundred of them about the same as yours or maybe 200 or 233MHz. They all worked fine in the beginning. But one by one, funny lockup problems would occur. The fix was to keep lowering the acceleration setting. Some worked by just lowering it one notch, others I had to turn it all the way off to get rid of problems.
This is the 3rd problem we’ve had with this computer. Last year we spent months trying to fix it by talking to techs on the telephone. Finally we took it to Des Moines’ Gateway Store. Twice. 180 miles one way.New hard drive.
CD drive wouldn’t work the the other time.Gateway sent me two of them and I replaced it.
It is a good computer, considering no one here has any formal tech training, it has done a good job.
Maybe it is time to do some upgrading though.
“computer locks up when trying to scroll”
This happens to me too but waiting a couple minutes lets it load whatever it has to that it found on the net & then it works just fine.
One thing I notice happening when that occurs is the mouse still works on the screen okay. Its the rest of the screen that I have to wait for to load before itll do anything.