Confused by Thread Closure

There was an active thread on George Bush’s IQ here:

Manhattan just closed this thread. His comment announcing the closure was, “Feh.”

Am I missing something? Why was this closed? Some of us put a lot of effort into posting on this board, and I think if a thread is closed because it’s a duplicate, or inappropriate, or in the wrong forum at the very least the moderator could tell us why. ‘Feh.’ just doesn’t cut it.

The mods are not bound by the Jerk rule, so just get over it and try again later.

I read the thread, and I believe Manny (and rightly IMO) closed it because it was rapidly degenerating into Pitish (or at least GD) territory.

The GQ seemed to be asked and answered, as far as it could be. (And I just knew the thread would heat up a bit)

This post is in no way a comment one way or another re: the original poster or the moderator, just an opinion.

Most people say they feel better once they have gotten closure.

That’s like the bumpersticker:
Southern Senators always seek Cloture