Why was my "How do you wipe" thread closed?

Itseems like a fair question. Not graphic or offensive. So why was it closed?


Looks like the type of thread that should have gone in GQ, maybe? The powers that be are not fond of moving threads, seeing as it is cruel to the hamsters.

Looks like a poll to me; should have gone in IMHO?

Nope. Polls belong in IMHO. an overview of forum descriptions.

the mods will love you if you follow 'em.

(I hear chocolate helps sometimes, too)

Actually, when the thread is on a topic this important, you should probably email a mod and ask them to make it a sticky. [sub]Pun definitely intended![/sub]


I’m sure one of them will be along soon to clarify things.

Usually there’s a little note explaining the closure. Given that there wasn’t one I’d guess that maybe there was something more to it than was obvious upon reading the thread.

Failing that, maybe somebody just thought it was too dumb. It happens sometimes; our mods are only human after all and once in a while they tend to lose sight of the forest for the trees and they forget that repetitive bathroom humor is actually quite funny (not being sarcastic).

Sqube, I double dog dare you to post something so insipid in GQ. manhattan would have you for lunch.

(note: I’m not actually encouraging you to wilfully violate forum guidelines. If you truly think that thread would belong in GQ, have a look at the page blessedwolf linked to and make sure you’ve got them straight.)

So, would it be OK to start the same thread in IMHO?

You should probably wait until a mod comes into this thread and lets you know why it was closed.

I would email one of them and ask them permission to do so. Email is also the preferred method of asking a question like the one in the OP.

I don’t think it was the content. Not long ago at all, we had a similar thread going. All the horror as we realized there are two ways of wiping… buncha front-wipin’ freaks.

Plus, Cecil did a column on this very thing, so it can’t be a taboo subject.

FYI, I use a combo. I find it gets ya just that much cleaner.

What? No one uses a bidet??

Email a moddy-mod to ask.

You shove a little pretzel stuffed with cheddar cheese up your ass?


LOL :smiley:

I do hope that you scrape the salt off first, Quack.

General tone lowering maybe?

Definitely ask a Mod before opening a duplicate of a closed thread.