Conspiracy Theorists

I recently answered a post about me in a thread that wasn’t about the original Jimi Hendrix murder topic. The poster did not answer my argument that disproved what he said about me. Predictably the moderator stepped-in and demanded on-topic. I have no problem with that, only the on-topic thread was locked after I had similarly disproven such claims in that thread earlier.
I have to protest because the moderator came in and called Hendrix’s murder a "non-murder’ and also entered the comment that the shoot-down of TWA Flight 800 was also a false conspiracy theory.
I protest that this violates the moderator’s own site rules by flaming a poster.
I also protest that the open calling of TWA 800 and Hendrix as being uncredible conspiracy theories by a moderator is a fatal violation of moderator neutrality. The moderator not only shows a clear fatal bias but also enforces it without any chance of objective consideration. Remember this board that calls itself the “Straight Dope”. Pretty rich considering.

     I have no problem with site rules. Only the ones that are clearly being used to censor content by obviously biased moderators. The argument I made proving Jimi's murder went unanswered on the "Straight Dope" board. In fact it was flagrantly censored using strict concern for site rules.

This thread is no good without links!

I’ll do better than that and post the what the mods said.

Regarding the TWA thread (which is still open):

And why was that Hendrix thread closed 2½ years ago?

That’s some pretty blatant censorship right there.

The thread under discussion.

It’s not even close. I didn’t flame you. I said your ideas are wrong because they are.

I agree that my comments were not at all neutral. In my defense, the facts aren’t neutral either. This is not the first time someone has referred to your Hendrix conspiracy theory as one of the most ridiculous ideas that has ever been posted to this site. However the thread at hand was not about Hendrix or TWA 800, so I don’t think it matters much that I stated my own opinion on those theories. The most important issue was stopping the thread hijack, which I believe has been accomplished after several mod notes. I did not tell you you couldn’t discuss your theories in a more appropriate venue.

While you no doubt continue to believe your theory, your argument certainly didn’t go unanswered. Eric Burdon remains at large, however.

Start your own board where you have control, that’ll show them.

With blackjack. And hookers!

It’s a Jetblast from the past!

I drink to your return, Jetblast. Gallons of wine. :slight_smile:

“No reason to get excited,”
The thief, he kindly spoke
“There are many here among us
Who think that life is but a joke
But you and I, we’ve been through that
And that is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
Because the hour is getting late”

All I got is a red guitar
Three chords
And the truth

All I got is a red guitar
The rest is up to you

Are you comparing the OP to Bono, or Bob Dylan?

Neither. It’s a general statement I think is applicable to the situation as a whole.

Somebody needs to track down that animal, or else we’re gonna have to declare war.

So let me get this straight. Zombie Hendrix shot down Flight 800 and then was murdered (if you can murder the undead) because of it? Or was he secretly not dead in the first place and had only faked his death years before in order to go underground as a secret agent?

I am rather puzzled, I thought that Jimi Hendrix, like Janis Joplin, and Mama Cass Eliot died of seriously bad lifestyle choices … [alcohol, drugs, obesity related issues]?
I didn’t know he was supposedly murdered.

Jetblast’s thread on the subject, Jimi Hendrix Was Murdered, in which he presents his theory that Michael Jeffery, Hendrix’s manager, paid some people to kill Hendrix because Hendrix was going to fire Jeffery.

I think the troll content of that 500 posts, as shown here, speaks enough for the credibility of a site that proclaims to be “fighting ignorance” and giving the ‘Straight Dope’.
This is contempt.

It’s a shame when a mostly intelligent and fairly well spoken individual loses their mind. I mean really - you present these theories with all the diction and grammar of an english teacher. But then you ignore all the facts that are presented to challenge them. You can’t do that. Even if you think they’re wrong. At least investigate these things which other people believe disprove you. If you aren’t convinced, fine.

But whatever the case, you may want to consult a psych-doctor. Not sure if -iatrist or -ologist. If you pick the wrong one, they’ll direct you to the right one I’m sure.

At long last, something we can all agree on. However what you are seeing is not trolling. It’s just mockery. Your ideas have been roundly mocked in the other thread, but there were plenty of serious responses.

Yes, yes it is.