"Constantine" Emergency Fashion Question

I am posting this on behalf of my wife.

Evidently, she was quite taken with the-God help me-sneakers that the character played by Rachel Weiss wore.

Can anyone here identify what style/brand of footwear she’s talking about? Cause I don’t have the faintest clue.

Much thanks.

Not sure, but if anyone would direct me to the pants that Gabriel was wearing at the end I’d be happy :smiley:

I am too lazy to find out. However, I am not to lazy to post contact info for Louise Frogley, costume designer from that movie. (Lazy? Hardly. It took me half an hour of googling to get this info. I was curious.)
RSA USA INC.Little Minx@RSAHolly Ross (323)850-0073(323)850-1525hellored@aol.com
634 N. La Peer Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90069
the above is contact info for her employers. if you send a polite letter, perhaps you will get a respnce.

Where the hell did those smiles come from?

Woops, I just answered my own question. let me try this again, this time with smilies off.

634 N. La Peer Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Wow, just…wow…
Thanks, Scott!!!

Just for future reference, how did I do it? I looked up promo materials looking for credit to clothing providers. Then I looked up costume designers, looked through way too many sites looking for contact info, and finally settled for the company she worked for. Unfortunaly she is not listed with the Los angelos online phone book I saw, and not all film industry info is online. It did not take me a solid half hour, but instead was broken up by my hunting for fanfiction. Thank goodness for tabbed browsing. Also, being obsessed about cool looking shoes is not as odd as it sounds. Just looked at what happened with the adidas from the movies, “the life aquatic.” http://www.joshrubin.com/coolhunting/archives/2005/01/adidas_zissou.html#more