So according to Al Gore the President was at a disadvantage last night because he landed in Denver only a couple hours before the debate. We all know he was referring to the somewhat rarified air and lower oxygen level. So what happens if the shit hits the fan while he’s there? Apparently his mental state is affected enough to lose to a dullard under planned conditions. What happens if he’s there and has to decide on a nuclear launch? Who’s the backup?
Can’t tell if serious…
As serious as the excuse made. I guess it depends on the validity of the claim. It’s Gore so I’m not entirely sure.
No, what I can’t tell if your serious about is that the effect of altitude on performance in a 90-minute debate has any relation to the ability to make executive decisions re: nuclear weapons.
Slap an oxygen mask on him and he is as good as at lower altitude.
Why is this in Elections? Are you making a snide political statement (BBQ Pit). Or are you asking a scientific questions related to the effect of altitude and oxygen level on a human brain? (GQ) Or maybe you’re asking a legal chain-of-event question? (also GQ)
I guess a bit of all 3. Since it was directly related to the debate analysis I thought maybe this was best. Move as you see fit.
Apparently nothing happened, unless THERE"S SOMETHING THEY’RE NOT TELLING US ABOUT!
Whew, ducked a bullet there.
But I agree, all future presidential debates should take place in a bunker at exactly sea level. And I am making a bug-out bag ready for he next one, because I don’t know where it’s going to be, and even if they tell us, why believe them?
+/- 100 ft sea level is acceptable to me, any more than that, and there’s definitely something going on they don’t want us to know.
The funny thing is the Denver is the western White House.
I’m not sure if it is more of a conspiracy theory or contingency plan but my understanding is that if the Atlantic seaboard is wiped out by nuclear attack, tidal wave when Apophis lands in the Atlantic or the Spanish flu comes back that the seat of government will move to Denver.
Anyone else hear of this?
We’re not talking about altitude sickness, which is a condition that manifests itself differently and is extremely rare to the point on non-existance at the altitudes we’re talking about here. All we’re discussing here is a lack of acclimatization to Denver which is unlikely to have any major affects to someone not exerting themselves.
But it is possible (though also unlikely) that the stress of a major debate could make the oxygen levels have some noticeable impact.
Actually it was supposed to be at the Century 19 movie theater in Aurora, but FOR SOME REASON it’s not any more, it’s across the street now in the basement of the Chik-Fil-A, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!
The Houston Texans’ home field is pretty close to sea level and that didn’t prevent them from putting the hurt on the Broncos in Denver a couple of weeks ago.
Turkey and Syria were exchanging artillery fire as the debate was going on so Obama was already dealing with a crisis. I believe this is why he “lost” the debate- he had actual important things on his mind.
Yeah, it ended up leading to 75 years of young tributes fighting to the death in the Hunger Games.