You two hate each other so much that you can’t be in the same thread together, you hijack threads you both show up in until a moderator has to warn you, you’re so upset over MESSAGE BOARD POSTS that you’re going to take it to email - why don’t the two of you grow the hell up? I don’t know what either of you think you’re proving, except that you’re argumentative and grudge-holding. I’m going to go out on a limb here and speak for the rest of the Dope and say, nobody else cares about your silly feud, and it’s getting in the way of our entertainment (well, mine, anyway). If you guys just can’t stand to be in the same message board together, maybe you could try the “ignore” feature.
There - you’ve gone and made me pit other Dopers for the first time. I hope you’re both happy.
I’m telling ya, we need to do something like “The Dance” from Battlestar Galatica. Put your tags in the hat, when yours get pulled out, you get to step in the ring with whoever you want–assuming they have also put their tags in the hat, of course.
Personally, I’m upset over the bullshit accusations of stalking, a la badchad making Polycarp his hobby. I hope y’all can understand why I don’t want that in my inbox.
Here’s the thing, Lute. If you were serious about getting this resolved we could at least *try *e-mail. If it does not work you can always block me, right? And the sanctity of your inbox will be preserved. Or something like that.
Do you or do you not have the ability to block e-mails? If you do not, I withdraw my request. I am simply tired of us going around and around in public, and it seems other folks are as well.
Being as that we don’t really have a problem with each other, this can be fixed without going to email. I’ll stop responding to you when I think you’re being a smarmy asshole.