Cool names for average folks.

Years ago, I met a guy named Jack Flynn while travelling in Greece. I thought (and still do) that it was a great superhero alter ego name. Of course, he was a stockbroker from New York who couldn’t even fly. Loser.

Well of course that’s what he told you :dubious: .

Johnny Thraser.

How freaking cool is that?

I think Smiley is the greatest last name ever.

Sherwood is a pretty kickass first name for a man.

I know a guy whose last name is Fierce. I think that is the coolest last name ever.

I had a student once whose last name was Smart[sup]*[/sup]. And he lived up to it Got 100% on two of the three exams. It’d really suck, though, if your last name was Smart and your were actually a little dim. Much sniggering behind your back, I would think.

[sup]*[/sup]First name not Maxwell, sadly.

True. He may not have been a stockbroker. However, I did throw him off of the balcony of my secret hideout and he made a Pollock-like landing on the rocks below. Definitely couldn’t fly.

I knew a person at college called Bloodax - he was very mild mannered.

But a cool name, no?

I have a few friends with cool names:

Damien Moyal (pronounced like “royale”) and Kobi Finley (they’re a couple)
Stephanie Chase (should be a dashing female archaeologist, like a hot Indiana Jones type)
Sharon Hammer (should be a femme fatale)
Mike and Nathan Quinn (they’re brothers, and should be soldiers of fortune – he actually was in the National Guard)

I know a girl with the wonderful name of Jessica Starling.

I know a lesbian couple that legally changed their names to Alien Nation and Mother Earth.
It’s true.

I knew a fellow whose first name was Major. Kinda surprised me, I was nearly 50 and had never heard of that as a given name before (and haven’t since). Now I’m past 50, and this is the first time I’ve heard of General used that way.

Years ago I saw a TV show (the Tonight Show, I believe) where two people had been given a week to find folks with unusual and interesting names, with some prize going to the one who came up with the best selection. At least some of the “names” appeared on the show with them. The only two I remember are Rusty Pipes and Lovey Nights (sp?).

I gotta say that Betty Birdsong is really catchy.
One of my all time favorite screennames is from The Music Man: Eulalie McKecknee Sheehan.

Good choice on the pronunciation.

Some years ago there was a discussion on a talk show , Phil Donahue , I think , about different or embarassing names. A woman called in and said her real , actual name was…

Vagina. She said her mother was heavily sedated after her birth , and one of the nurses had said something about her vagina , and her mom thought it was just the prettiest word she had ever heard , so wanted to use it for her daughter’s name. :eek:

I woulda had it legally changes as soon as I could have. :stuck_out_tongue:

There were a lot of Jewish kids in my high school, and there were three girls named Angela Fine, Sara Finer, and Beth Superfine. I kid you not – and they were all friends, too!

Was she?

My dad has a friend named Marshall Trucks. Way cool.

She was cute.

When I worked in a city office in Japan a number of years ago, in our department there was a Tachiki (standing tree), a Kobayashi (small wood), Hayashi (a wood) and a Mori (a forest).

We stood them up in order and took a photo for posterity! The best bit of this was the section they worked in was the Enviromental Agency!