Posted with no comments from me. I’ll just bring it back up in a while when the songs change…
I’ll take $100 of that action.
1). Strict new gun laws will be enacted even though he promised he would not.
**Fat chance. The Supremes have yet to weigh in with their decision, and the Dems have figured out that gun control is a loser issue, no matter what power they have in Congress. **
2). The phrase “In God We Trust” will be removed from all currency.
**Why does this bug the bejebus out of conservatives? I’d be more concerned about the dollar being worth less than Kleenex than I would be about what’s printed on it. **
3). He will back away from his pledge to Israel and leave them to the wolves of Islam.
And the Israelis will nuke their attackers. No huhu.
4). Hillary Clinton will be named to the Supreme Court.
**Proof that neocons smoke dope. **
5). Tax rates will return to their highest levels in 30 years.
Somebody has to pay for Bush’s war.
6). The capital gains tax will be at least double current levels.
This is a problem why?
7). Retired Army General Wesley Clark will be named Secretary of Defense.
He’s more qualified than anybody the Pubs have put up lately.
8). The borders will be ‘basically open’ to all comers. Especially those from the Middle East and South America.
See #4. Xenophobia defines the Right.
9). Amnesty will be granted to all illegals now in the U.S regardless of status or even gang members (MS-13).
See above.
10). The war in Iraq will be brought to an abrupt end and the results will be tragic and the consequences to our military will be devastating.
Actually, the devestating consequences are a result of being in Iraq, not of leaving it.
Moved to Great Debates due to the content. For the record, though, I think reposting a long chunk of text - from an email, Web site, newspaper, whatever - and not commenting on it is poor form in any forum.
Yeah. There is so much trash like that floating around on the internet that you could fill every forum with nothing but junk e-mails from wingnuts. The only point I can see for posting it is to give us here a sense of superiority. I don’t think we need it.
Please refrain from giving wingnuts any ideas. Thanks.
Heck, yeah. In fact, I’ll take $100 on each prediction, as long as we can do them as a set, and evaluate them on June 5, 2011. You up for it, Gus?
If so, of course, we’ll need to define our terms more accurately in many cases. But I’ll always take some easy money.
Did I read it too fast, or did this current list of paranoid right-wing horror-fantasies actually miss the one about Obama being a secret Muslim that will outlaw Christianity and force Sharia law upon the land? Seems kinda incomplete without that one.
Well, he’s gotta save something for the second term.
This reminds me of a similar list someone sent me before GW Bush became president. My guess is this will be no more accurate than that one was (the Bush one talked about how he’d outlaw abortion, mandatory prayer in schools, etc…and totally missed invading other countries and all that).
This list is definitely wacked…pretty funny what people worry about though.
I always get my political information from a Movie Producer.
Changed link from one that had his address and phone number. His wife was mentioned in that one.
What part of posted without comment is hard to understand?
Where did I offer to make any bets?
Reading comprehension 101 ???
I was not trying to start a debate.
I was placing this online here so that if I wanted to bring it up in the future, it would be here with the some established proof that is was not produced after the fact.
No where have I said I believe or disbelieve any of it.
But I must say it is providing an interesting list of members who’s comments and beliefs are being espoused …
We do this pick apart on those that are running, why not on ourselves? So you said it or did it 2-10 years ago. Be fun to bring it up again in a snarky way if is happens to work out against your beliefs of today.
Turn about is fair play… right?
Off to find a good one about the other guy…
“Songs change”?
Then you should have posted it in MPSIMS, or maybe IMHO, or perhaps the Pit would be more fitting.
The ‘why I did it’ part.
Seriously? You should have just copied it into a Word file and hit ‘save,’ then. If you placed it here, though - if you place any list of anything here - you should expect an argument.
The part about why you’d do it.
The thing you posted without comment ends with an offer to take bets. I offered to let you be the proxy for the person you were quoting, since you were already posting by proxy.
At some point you gotta take a course on basic writing 101, instead of blaming the readers.
We get back to “why?”
So what? Why do you think you’d want to bring it up in the future? If you’re unwilling to take responsibility for the predictions now, you won’t be able to say “I told you so” if (snort) Obama removes “In God We Trust” from currency. If you’re willing to take responsibility for the contents of the post, why not for the offer for a bet as well? I don’t see why you think you’d want to refer to it in the future with some sort of “established proof that is [sic] was not produced after the fact,” unless you’re looking for smugness privileges, and your refusal to support the post now pretty much removes any future right to smugness you might otherwise have. Please describe a hypothetical scenario–any one will do–in which you might want to bring it up in the future.
Along the same lines, allow me to post without comment
Posted without comment
What the hell does any of this mean? At best, this comes across as a pathetic attempt to emulate Joe McCarthy. At worst, it’s utterly incomprehensible, perhaps a ritual chant of devotion to the mad god Yog Sothoth.
Please, please consider taking a course in expository writing 101.
He did post it in MPSIMS. I moved it because, even if GusNSpot says he didn’t want an argument, I knew he was going to get one.
There’s really no such thing as “posted without comment” on the Internet, GusNSpot. If you post something like that and say nothing, people are going to assume you agree with it unless they know from your other posts that you don’t. That’s why people are offering you bets.
He probably did post it to one of those forums, note that a mod moved it to GD.
A question remains, does he want to have just one argument, or was he thinking of taking a course?
Your list is unworthy of discussion. Really, it is pretty much “Obama is a secret Muslim!” warmed over.
As long as we are pulling predictions completely out of thin air here are mine:
He will solve world hunger with his grandmas delicious old timey potato salad recipe.
He will win the nobel prize in the humongous wang category, also probably physics.
He will cure cancer using nothing but the power of his brain.
Cecil will be named Secretary of fighting ignorance, his first act will be to make Texas illegal.
He will end the war on Iraq, the war on drugs, and the war on terrorism and instead declare war on email spammers.
He will force NASA to abandon work on the space program and start working on a time travel program just so he can go back in time and fight Hitler. When NASA tells him this is not possible he will beat them up with his whooping stick.
Here are my predictions for an Obama presidency:
- He will rape your wives and daughters with his big black dick.
- Sharia law will be imposed. When they’re not being raped by Obama’s big black dick, your wives and daughters will wear burkas.
- Your guns will be confiscated and turned into crack pipes.
- Osama Bin Laden will be appointed to the Supreme Court.
- Kim Jong Il will be appointed Secretary of State.
- The income tax will be raised to 110%.
- Welfare cheats will ride around in limosines.
- Heterosexual marriage will be outlawed. Butt sex will be mandatory.
- The stars on the American flag will be replaced with a hammer and sickle.
- Universal health care will be instituted for all Americans.
Posted without comment.