Costumes I Have Made:

I’m feeling bummed out, so to cheer myself up I thought I’d list the costumes that I’ve made (or had made, I don’t do metalwork) that I stll have taking up space in my closets. As you can tell, I love swords.

Boer war officer
Boer war officer w/kilt
Old west Maverick-type suit
Irish medievil
Scottish medievil
14th century European armour
Samurai Armour
Japanese peasant
Roman Soldier
Captain Kirk
Darth Maul
Jedi Knight
Mandrake the Magician
Dr. Watson
A damned good pirate
Professor Fate

Costumes I no longer own, but were some of my favorites from past Halloweens:

Roman centurion
Indiana Jones
Baron Von Radium (my own creation, a steampunk villian)

Costumes I am planning:

The Phantom

Plus I have tons of mix & match stuff, tuxedos, victorean clothing, capes, walking sticks, goggles, rayguns and what-not. I love costumes. Always have. I was Popeye in kindergarten, I clearly remember!

I need to get out more.

No, you need to add pictures! :slight_smile:

Yeah, but then I’d have to get a digital camera and a computer, and then how would I afford the handmade armor from Japan? :slight_smile:

You come to my house I’ve got tons of photos, I still use film!

But some photos can be found on Flickr searching by my user name, including Gfactor’s tarantula on my head!