Could Trump actually run and win in 2024?

I’d be paying more attention to Ron Desantis.

Thanks for that link, SnowBo. But heartwarming as it is, I don’t think it means he’s any less of a threat for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination… or to American democracy itself.

Sure, that would be their ideal outcome. But that’s taking a remarkably passive stance for some very ambitious politicians. Ted Cruz doesn’t want the prime of his political life to be spent watching Donald Trump suck all the air out of the room in three consecutive electoral cycles. Hawley, Rubio, Cotton, Desantis, Noem, Haley, Ducey - they all want the clown show to stop before 2024.

Trump’s stage has shrunk remarkably in the last few months as @Snowboarder_Bo posted. The other Republican candidates would make the persecution of Trump a talking point of their own. The pols I mentioned would be falling all over themselves to say that their first act as President after taking the oath of office, even before their inaugural speech, will be to sign a comprehensive pardon for one Mr. Donald J. Trump “to put the long national nightmare of Democrat overreach away once and for all, and heal the wounds of this land.”

How well did that work out for President Debs?

If another candidate becomes president and signs his pardon, no Constitutional issues to worry about.

You’re welcome.



I said “interesting”.


Hell no; don’t relax just yet.

Seems awfully counterproductive; they’re still voting against a Republican, just not one that’s already in office.

Which won’t help if he gets charged by the state of New York.

He throws his own supporters under the bus once he feels their usefulness is ended; is he really likely to support someone else and trust that they won’t do the same to him, or is he likely to try to run no matter what because he can only trust himself?

You know what’s going to change everything? The child tax credit, especially if it’s extended through 2025. That’s a shit ton of money, especially for people with multiple kids, and instead of a big check to blow on April, it’s going to be a regular payment. People thought somehow a billionaire president would make their lives better. It didn’t. The child tax credits will. A ton of the kids lifted out of poverty will be the children of Trump supporters. And the tax credit is deeply, deeply associated with Biden.

One of Republicans’ biggest fears is that a liberal policy will succeed and help people.

You know the Republicans in general and Trump in particular will twist it around so it becomes his idea only he was stymied by Biden and Pelosi way back in 2015.

And the base will eat it up with a spoon.

Oh, for a Freudian slip. “and wound all the heels of this land. Wait–”

This. It’s already been shown that they are capable of the mental gymnastics needed to thoroughly and completely believe this.

“They” the party honchos & Congresscritters don’t care about belief; they know their whole schtick is 100% made up BS. All they care about is that it sells. Not that it has any connection to reality or truth beyond mere coincidence.

“They” the ravening horde of Faux- and OANN-followers have nothing but belief. They’re fed a carefully crafted diet of pure BS all the time and they’re so besotted they couldn’t notice if two sentences back to back were directly contradictory. Like Trump hisself, whatever they heard most recently IS the truth. Remembering yesterday’s propaganda is just not part of their make-up.

It occured to me today that, according to Trumpish orthodoxy, Trump is ineligible to be elected President again. Of course, this is only true if you accept that he actually won in 2020. The 22nd amendment restricts one from being elected President more than two times. (Note that it doesn’t say anything about actually serving as President.)

Or Georgia.

Which makes me wonder why they haven’t gone all the way with it.

“Joe Biden was a principal suspect in the rape and murder of Ann Sotheby in 1976.”

“Kamala Harris had an abortion at fourteen and sixteen.”

Just repeat endlessly. Use the “people are saying” if you feel like it. If you get sued, your audience won’t care or will never hear about it. If they could do it with vaccines and Jade Helm, what’s keeping them from saying that Stacey Abrams introduced legislation in Georgia to sterilize white men and making it stick?

Give them time; they’re working their way up to pretty much exactly that. Right now, when they don’t dominate the legit news with their blather, it’ll be a slow(er) game.

Back when Trump was prez, even MSM ended up reporting what he & RW media said even though they clearly (or sometimes not so clearly) indicted thay thought it was BS. Either way, T & the RW noisemakers were still doing a dangerous amount of agenda-setting and conversation-framing.

That level of fake news noise will be back in force whenever the authoritarians capture enough of a statehouse or worse yet, the federal government.

This would not trip him up for even a second. He would just say that because the election was stolen from him he was entitled to a third and fourth term and should probably just be President for Life. Trump’s opinion on rules is basically that they do not exist and even if they did, they do not apply to him.

For those paying attention, sure. But a lot of people don’t. They just go along with what seems to be the consensus. But they WILL notice an extra $500-1000 in their bank account every month. They will not want to lose it. Republicans will either have to double down on supporting that tax credit, or lose that portion of the population.

As noted in the voter suppression thread, Republicans have decided that winning voters to their policies is no longer a priority. Instead, they’ve decided to use their existing electoral powers to disenfranchise blue -voting areas.

And plenty of Republicans vote against their own self-interest every time, be it on environmental policy, taxes, public health, corporate reform, minimum wage, access to higher ed, etc.