Could use help installing a new graphics card.

I’ve just received a GeForce 6600 for my birthday, and would like some help installing it. I have a few questions, since if I can’t use this, I’d like to find out before I open the shrink-wrap.

A:) It says it requires an AGP 2.0 slot. I have an AGP slot, which is holding a GeForce 2 MX 100/200. Is there any way to tell what kind of slot it is? (The computer was purchased in the fall of 2004.)

B:) Are there any guidelines for installing graphics cards in general that I should know about? Any special static discharge protections or similar things?

Any other general information would be greatly appreciated. I haven’t played much with hardware before now other than changing my CPU fan, and am not sure how much I don’t know.

You should have the correct type of slot - older AGP slots were 5 volts, current ones are 3.3v; the Geforce 2 MX would go into the newer types of slots.

As for static protection, make sure to ground yourself - touch a hunk of metal, like the case, before handling the cards.

Also, make sure to download the latest drivers from Nvidia before hand, to install after you get the card working; they would be more up to date than the drivers on the CD that comes with the card.