Could you please spell my fucking name right?

So how do we spell your fucking name?


My fucking name is GOOOOOOD baby!

My name is not spelled s-t-u-p-i-d a-s-s m-o-t-h-e-r-f-u-c-k-e-r.

I know I know. Easy mistake. But please, don’t do it anymore

Just when I find out what drugs all thee cool kids out here in upstate are doing, the City’s moved on to other things. I feel so behind the times.

And it’s Odieman not Oldieman. I may be old, but that’s not my name !!!


Whuuut? ::scratches; spits; nudges hound offa porch:::

Don’t know why yer gettin’ yerself in a blue-faced, eye-rollin’ hissy fit anyways. Look like a beached carp. Folks around here tend to write things–least the ones who can string together letters to begin with.

::shakes head dolefully; lures hound back onta porch::

How in NASCAR d’ya know how people are sayin’ yer name anyways? Sheee-yyiiiitt, doncha have nuthin’ better to worry about? So some folks call ya “ESS-pricks”; Cousin Buford–served in the Marines–heard tell there’s sumpin’ called “ess-PREE”.

Figured he was lyin’, as usual.

No matter, I fer one ain’t typin’ none of that.

Shut yer mouth, sit yerself down and don’t mind the hound.


Thanks for the correction, ma’am. Oops. 8)

BTW, my grade one teacher told me I was not spelling my own name correctly. Boy, did I show her. I spelt it correctly, but what she did not know that the correct spelling of my surname is actually a mis-spelling. That, plus the great “You’re going to hell because you cannot tie your shoes” episode eventually resulted in my being demoted back to kindergarten. I don’t mean just having to repeat, I mean actually being demoted. So today don’t ever bug me about not using a spell-checker. I’m not into spellling, never have been, never will be. Heck, I’ve even been a university English prof and I still don’t give a fig about spelling.

Oh, Expirit, for G-d’s sake, lighten up already.


BTW, it’s minxsmom.
Minx is my kitten. I’m her mom. Ergo, Minx’s mom (minxsmom).

(Not that I really care or anything - I’m just happy when someone responds to me - but, hey, since we’re on the subject)

Oh, big fucking deal.

I’ve had my last name misspelled AND mispronounced. My last name is JONES. This was by English-speaking people, mind you. I’ve had my first name (Rick) blown a few times, too. People aren’t morons just because they aren’t the Lord High 120-Words-Per-Minute Typing God of Mount Olympus.

Me in six years on top of the Olympic Stadium:



And while we’re at this, it’s Juniper200, people! Not 2000. Juniper200. Only two zeros on the end. This is not difficult, so let’s all make an effort to get it straight before someone gets hurt. Thank you for your kind attention.

Oh, this was a choice way to start my day. :smiley:

John Corrado (and I actually made sure I checked to spell it right, John), I’m horrified I misspelled my own name right before starting this thread. Can you tell how stressed I am? That’s what I get for posting two threads at 4:57 while I’m trying to get ready to leave (and the board slows down greatly at this time every day). And UncleBeer, you should be flogged (but in a good way). And no, John, I could never hate you. :wink:

:smiley: Reminds me of a bit I had going at Pennsic this year - “'Ere, is 'e all naykid then?” :smiley:

You’re right - they’re just plain old morons. After a rash of misspellings over the past week or so, it just bugged me. So you are cordially invited, RyckeJhaye, to sit upon a flagpole and stuff it summarily up your ass.

Hey, matt - Rick’s getting away. No, over to the left. Yeah, the one trying not to be seen behind the bush, him. Git 'im!


Good shot! That deserves a blowjob… :wink:


Hey, Exprit - when you gonna learn how to spell your own damn name correctly?

And while you’re at it, isn’t it about time you’ve finished with that whole gay phase you’ve been going through?

Hmmm - maybe I should post a thread about that, with a relevant link to a PlanetOut article, wherein I can express my rage about gay stuff!



S-pree, I didn’t know you are gay. What a shock.

But after you gave those examples, well, something about “S pricks” stuck in my head, and I really don’t want S pricks stuck anywhere! (although having one might be interesting!)

later, Tom.

Oooh, you misspelled my nickname! My God, how will I deal with it? Argh… my heart! I can’t physically take the shame, the horror, the indiginity of a screen nickname on some internet message board being… dare I say it… MISSPELLED! Holy Christ Jesus In A '67 Mustang, how can such evil and injustice exist in this world? I bet HITLER used to misspell people’s nicknames! I’d better start a new thread and cry about it.

As to your suggested course of action, I believe that’s more up your alley, so to speak. :wink:

Misspelling names is junior high stuff. Does it mostly happen on school holidays?

‘S-Pricks’…Do we really need to hear anything more on the subject of penile deformities?

My real first name is Dan. Daniel or [d]Danny* if you must. Anyhow, about halfthe people I meet remember my name as Dave WTF? Where the hell do they get Dave from Dan?

My real first name is Dan. Daniel or [iDanny* if you must. Anyhow, about halfthe people I meet remember my name as Dave WTF? Where the hell do they get Dave from Dan?