Couple Caught Having Sex on a Ferris Wheel

I half-heard that on the TV news yesterday and thought they said it happened on a roller coaster. I thought, wow, how do you work that out, just logistically speaking? The big ferris wheel makes much more sense.

My wife and I have plans to go to Cedar Point in a couple weeks. I guess there’s one less thing we’ll be able to scratch off our bucket list, darn it :wink:

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

A polite person averts their eyes when others engage in sexual activity on a Ferris wheel.

What goes around, comes around.

Cedar Point is a veritable Gomorrah of iniquity.

You should totally go for it.

What are the odds of two couples getting arrested within just a couple weeks in the same place for the same thing? Astronomical against I’d say! :wink:

I think the best way to go about it without getting caught is to go with a like-minded couple you’re very close with, so it’s all consenting adults in the cab. I don’t actually remember if those ferris wheel cabs hold 4 or 6, so you might want to bring two other couples, just in case.

Even so, it’s possible you could get spied from an adjoining cab- I don’t remember the precise visibility from cab to cab. A better bet might be the Alpine Ride (I think it’s called) where elevated cars ride over much of the park. They’re spaced out well enough that, if you’re all friends in the one car, you have some pretty good privacy. Plenty of joints have been smoked in those Alpine cars (so I’ve heard :wink:).

The whole point of exhibitionism is that people can see you!

I’ll ride the rock-o plane or the Tilt-a-Whirl
It wasn’t on these rides I ****** my girl
Way up high is where I ****** her
On the Ferris Wheel

I thought it was less pure exhibitionism and more the thrill of joining the 145 Foot High Club.

It wasn’t necessarily exhibitionism. They could have just been turned on by the location, the view and the possibility of getting away with something daring, but still not wanted others to see.

Didn’t James Bond and Kara Milovy do this in Vienna?

Oh, no, they only kissed, probably. They didn’t make love until Afghanistan.

Ahh, the circle of life. Is it legal to have sex in public while none of your private parts are showing? I think yes.

As long as you don’t frighten the horses.

I’m a member of the Mile High club (no you awful people, it was a private plane with just the two of us). Now I’m wondering what we should call doing it on a Ferris Wheel.

And as soon as I saw this story I knew there would be a thread on the Dope. Y’all are dependable!

Did you have an autopilot?

My wife and I did it on this thing. We were alone in the car, and it was dark out

I have been on that Ferris wheel. It takes forever and is the most boring ride in the park. They probably just couldn’t stand it anymore, poor things.

Golf clap.