'Course they'll win! I'd bet me balls on it!

Cruel Cut for Welsh Rugby Fan

Oh, bollocks.

And Darwin scores!

I’m thinking he was a little less than sober at this point. Just a little.

Yeesh, and this is before England institutes its 24-hour pub opening law.

Ya think?

Now, that is one devoted fan. :eek:

As this story involves rugby it also, as a matter of course, also conatins a male exposing his private parts to other males. He’s just taken it a bit farther than usual.

Men who like rugby tend to have a lot of unexplored issues.

Owl - lives in SW London and as such is surrounded by rugger-buggers and wishes evil on them all.

A real man doesn’t welsh on a bet.

‘A History of mental illness…’ as the Yahoo tale goes. No shit…

Well, it took some balls.

So they had beer nuts at this pub.