Craft the perfect American Presidential Candidate.

I’m curious as to what people would consider the traits and political opinions that they’d think would get a US Presidential candidate the highest chance of success.

NOTE: This isn’t “craft *your *perfect Presidential candidate”. I’m not asking what you’d personally love in a person to vote for. I’m asking what you think a candidate would have to be like in order to have the best chance to win - the traits that such a person would have that would give them the highest chance of winning votes. If we could build a candidate from scratch, and we only care about success, not what they then go on to do, how should they be built?

Would it be as simple as just ticking all the boxes on what public opinion polls show to be the most popular opinions?

He’d be a man, white, and handsome (not that it should be that way, but there’s no point leaving the bigot vote on the table). He’d be a highly successful general in a major war, like Grant or Eisenhower. Polices would be compassionate conservatism or main street liberalism, probably.

He’d be Protestant, but not too churchy, his wife would have a career, but one that was not too brainy or pushy (she couldn’t be a successful heart surgeon, for example), two kids, maybe twins.

A white, war-hero male former General/Admiral, with slightly conservative fiscal views and pretty liberal social views. He’d be critical of our recent military adventures overseas. He’d be married to a Hispanic woman.

White christian male, moderately handsome. Celebrity status, like, say, an actor. Some government experience. Like, say, governor of a large, populated state. Human traits, like, say, a divorce. Worked within both parties but then chose to be Republican. Conservative and willing to stick to his beliefs like Teflon to a pan.

Those traits gave us the second worst president in history.

White Protestant of one of the more liberal varieties, ruggedly handsome (sort of like me), with a wife who has a traditional female career (nursing, teaching). Went to a Big Ten school, has experience in the House, Senate, and as a former governor. About 45-50 with two grown children with attractive spouses and adorable children. Nobel Laureate and author of a Pulitzer prize winning novel. Strong supporter of unions, teachers, and civil servants. Supports abortion rights, marriage equality and vows to give Gitmo back to Cuba. Willing to abandon the total chaos that is Afghanistan. Runs on platform of socialized medicine.

tall and left handed.

Seriously, they are significant factors.

A monogamous Bill Clinton, age 46 (age when Clinton was inaugurated). Add a few small historical tweaks and position updates here and there, and you’ve got a sure thing.

I’m thinking of Gen’l Norman Schwarzkopf (sp?) of first Iraq war fame, had he chosen to run. I think he would have won in the biggest landslide ever. Would he have made a really good Prez? Maybe, so many factors and ways to get derailed. Would have been interesting though.

The number of posts wanting a generalísimo as POTUS gives me some insight into the ongoing necessity of the 2nd Amendment.

I got no vote in the ballot but IMHO cut your template from the cloth that made Clinton.
You understand absolutely that you’re going to get screwed over (and equally anybody else) for the sake of a handful of votes in the mid-West mid-terms but at least he’ll schmooze you in honey and hot chocolate as he does it.

Myself and 97.6% of the electoral vote disagree.

Mitt Romney, but Protestant.

EXACTLY like Mitt Romney, but Protestant.

Probably a member of an Evangelical or Mainline church with Reformed and/or Baptist roots, not overly given to Theonomy or blatant theocracy. If he believes that the Rapture is “most probably” going to happen before he ends his term, he wins. Game, set, match, Democrats have no chance.

Oh, this is an interesting idea!

Knock off that last sentence (which seems to be a weird reinterpretation of a somewhat scornful nickname for Reagan) and add the following:

Immigrant who lived the American Dream. Became a household name outside of politics.

Too bad neither party will support him. Not “one of us.”

It’s more that the Constitution prohibits Arnold from running than that neither party would support him.

Atheist woman, feminist, possibly lesbian, governor or senator, well-known author with many bestseller nonfiction books to her name. Multiple academic degrees, including a PhD, from elite universities. Extremely quick-witted, very eloquent speaker. Would be white or African-American. Very liberal. An environmentalist and social activist. In her late 40s.

An “unsuccessful” surgeon of any type would be a scary thing!

Military service might be overrated in the modern era. It didn’t seem to be a huge help for HW Bush, Dole, McCain, or in the most spectacular case where it could have theoretically been the difference, Kerry. Doesn’t hurt I guess.

This thread is for the United States, not Iceland.

Palin was on to something, until she was exposed as a fraud. So make this woman hail from the rust belt or Midwest, not so redneck-y, give her more of a PTA mom sort of vibe. But not the crazy one that wants to control everything with an iron fist. Maybe she had her own business or was in involved in the school system at a high level, then governor. Mildly conservative, 2.5 kids, raised 'em herself as much as possible – I could see her taking out a generic white guy, even one with a really square jaw and coifed hair. I’m just not sure if she should have huge tits or not. Would that make people take her less seriously, or would it be a landslide victory? A decent amount of male Palin support came from the “I’d hit it” demo, so I’m guessing pro is the way to go.

Financially conservative, experienced in handing money, experience in dealing with the other party, demonstrated level of success in managing large projects, personal ethics above reproach. leadership experience, military experience a plus.

The more the SDMB hates him, the better his potential for greatness.


This is close, but there’s one more tweak needed.

Take Mitt Romney… then make him Protestant AND a hunter who is strong on supporting the second amendment.

That would be unstoppable.

Nope. Each of those might be good for another dozen EVs. You need to bridge a 126EV gap.