Craig Schelske: almost as creepy as Mark Foley

Background: Craig Schelske is the head of Craigpac, a conservative political action committee. Sara Evans is a country-music star, most recently featured on “Dancing with the Stars” and favored dancer of Tom DeLay.

From the Tennessean:

Spouse abuse, adultery, soliciting strangers for three-way sex on the internets, and watching pornography with his own prepubescent kids – I’m almost tempted to ask if Mr. Schelske was trying to out-weird Mark Foley, because he sure comes close…

Yup. That’s why we should all vote Republican – it’s the party of Family Values!

He has a “personal sex engine”? Words fail.

I wonder what could fuel a sex engine…

Nookylar power.

Don’t even bother dragging him out, I was planning to replace the carpet anyway.

Hey! The guy has an advanced degree from Pat Robertson U. Maybe he flunked the “family values” course.

NOOOOOOOOO. Not luc. The mope in the OP.

Hey yourself. “Family values” have nothing to do with treating your wife or children like human beings. They have to do with a preset group of political hot-button issues, mostly to do with not being gay or letting anyone else be.

Maybe he passed it.

Children need to be taught that you don’t interrupt Daddy during porn time!

Which, as we all know, is what generates the motive force for a sex machine.

Running a PAC must make you some serious money. A Sybian runs over $1000…

Certainly that describes a creepy guy.

But in fairness, I rarely expect a neutral, fair, and dispassionate recitation of facts from either party during a divorce.

Is it just possible that some of these allegations are exaggerated? Or must we accept them in toto at face value?

C’mon, Bricker, everybody knows that every action made in a bitter divorce case, especially one involving child custody, is true.

What I find fascinating is the timing of her filing, combined with the lurid details being released to the public. If she’s allegedly also a conservative Republican, why is she releasing it at primary pre-election impact time? Is there any connection, or is my gleeful mind just creating one? Because this is totally a pile-on to the current crop of corruption/perversion cases that have taken over most election discussions in the last couple of weeks.

I love me some Sara Evans. She’s got some amazing pipes. And she’s gorgeous. I’ve always just looked the other way whenever her conservative politics came up.

I had seen her on Dancing… just a week or so ago, but had no idea about this bruhaha with her (soon-to-be-ex) hubby.

Good for her for getting the hell out.

Oh, so now he was involved in beastiality as well???



Don’t look at me; I don’t have any experience in divorce, being one of those kooky libs who believe in working with my wife as equals, instead of smacking her around. I imagine that the validity of the “Craig exposed the kids to porn” angle can be determined by having a third party question the kids, however, and the computer photos/postings are easily verified/refuted by any half-decent geek.

That said, it seems like Craig’s insatiable libido isn’t anything new. Check out this quote from Ms. Evans back in 2005:

Dunno about you, but that sounds like a line that comes straight out of several dozen porno movies…

Are you Pitting Mr. Schelske or Ms. Evans? Frankly, I think what tanspires in a person’s bedroom is his or her own business.

If you must know, and I am sure you musn’t, *toto *is Dominican slang for “cunt”. :smiley: