Crazy Stupid Love - Slight spoiler required

Mrs P and I went and saw this a couple of night ago. Quite good, but that’s not what this is about: we were running late and missed the first few minutes. When we sat down, Cal and the babysitter were in the car, both in shock presumably because Cal had just found out his wife was having an affair etc.

What exactly had happened?


You missed 8min30s of the movie. The movie starts out with Cal and his wife Emily dining in a fancy restaurant, looking down at their dessert menus. Cal looks bored; Emily looks anxious. She is trying to decide what she wants. Cal says, “Why don’t we just say it at the same time? One, two, three…” She says, “I want a divorce” (He says “creme brulee”). On the ride home, Cal is distraught and isn’t talking to Emily. Cuts back and forth to babysitter at home, at one point she walks in on the son who loves her masturbating. Cut back to the car ride, Emily tells Cal she slept with Lindhagen. She keeps talking anxiously on the ride home, he doesn’t say anything, until he says “if you don’t stop talking i’m going to get out of the moving car.” She keeps going, he gets out of the moving car, gets a little banged up. After she screeches to a halt and gets out of the car and hovers over him he says “I’ll leave tonight. I’ll sign whatever you want. Just please stop talking about it.” She says “OK.” Back at home the son declares his love for the babysitter, telling her he thinks about her while he masturbates. As she tries to respond, Cal and Emily arrive home. Cal is cavalierly candid about the divorce, which flusters Emily. Cal drives the babysitter home. Then still before they cut to Cal and the babysitter in the car, there is a scene establishing the redhead and chinese girl characters in a bar, and the guy played by Ryan Gosling hits on the redhead, who rejects him.

Thanks very much for that. Or to put it another way, the guy at the box office who said we had missed “about a minute” was lying, badly.

Here’s where some commas could be useful: “Cuts back and forth to babysitter at home, at one point she walks in on the son**, who loves her,** masturbating.”

Not that the son wouldn’t also love it if the babysitter was masturbating, but I think that might be the subject of the sequel. :wink: