CrazyCatLady, a favor, please (Silly and very pointless)

I just woke up from a rather intense, and disturbing dream.
Mind you, on my level of disturbing this dream was a nothing - no mass murders that were my fault; no getting killed myself several times over; no mind controlling, or mind controlled, villians pretending to be friends; not even any evil teachers. Just, let’s see here, giant robots, a secret project to help rebuild the world (I never did quite understand what had screwed up the world that it needed rebuilding, but that’s not the point of the dream - by the time I showed up all the trashing had been done and overwith.), a cute love interest (I’m not entirely sure this dream was meant for me, to be honest.), and an evil conspiracy trying to pirate the giant robots and secret project to take over the world.

The way it worked was, somehow, I’d become the inheritor of the position of piloting a giant robot in the service of a super-intelligent computerized secret project to rebuild the world into a more rational state. It was really cool, in addition to the giant robot I had access to a couple of SSTO ships, and a neat computer puppy, which had the same name as the mainframe, but usually called just “Junior.” Anyways, my love interest’s father found out about the giant robot thingy, and started trying to take it over, trying to kill me and all that good stuff.

It turns out, of course, he’d already been part of the conspiracy working to capture the technology of this project for some time - and had just used me and his daughter to try to get into a position where killing me would get him the tech that he and his conspiracy needed to use the giant laser cannon and the orbital mirror system to take control of Earth. (Come on, if there’s giant robots, can an orbiting mirror and giant laser cannon be far away?)

Anyways, it appeared that he managed to kill me, destroy the robot and the bad guys were going to win…

But! Really, all that had happened was that the giant robot was destroyed, and I’d been wounded but rescued before it blew. (I was kinda surprised to be alive, honestly, I had thought I’d died, and viewpoint shifted to the love interest who was incandescently angry, for some silly reason. :wink: ) So, the mainframe sent me, my love interest, and the robot puppy with the last of the space hardware to destroy the combination orbital mirror/laser cannon facility. Then it blew up to keep from being used by the conspiracy.

Anyways, after a hard fought battle the good guys won, and we managed to knock out the laser, and neutralize, if not outright destroy it. Of course there was only enough delta V left to get me and my love interest back to Earth afterwards - the poor little robot puppy had to be left on the orbital facility. Which had seemed to be its plan the whole time, since the terrestrial base had been found out, and compromised it was time to shift operations to space. Little robot puppy had a certain amount of Von Neumann capability, and seemed to be sure it grow up to be just as effective as big daddy had been.

Of course, at the end of the dream, just before I woke up, Junior finds that my love interest’s daddy wasn’t killed in the final battle, but was alive in some kind of suspended animation, so things are ripe for a sequel. :smack:

(It has to be my dream, how many other people would stuff so many anime cliche’s into one story? :wally )

Anyways, to get back to the reason I’m asking a favor - there’s one little connection I’ve not mentioned yet: The name of the mainframe and the Little Robot Puppy was DrJ.

So, CrazyCatLady, could you please keep your DrJ home at night and out of my head? :smiley:

bumping to see if CCL will respond

Oh, like he ever does anything I say.