24, the semi-popular Fox drama starring Kiefer Sutherland, is coming back for a second season. But the show itself seems to have been in its share of troubles. The first episode of the first season had to modify a shot of a plane explosion to not show the plane on-screen after You-Know-What occurred. And now, Fox has had to pull a pop-up ad which features crosshairs due to that Washington shooter guy. If this keeps up, the whole show will have to be retooled-and I’m sure others will as well. How ridiculous could they P.C./non-offensive them? Who knows, but let’s see what we come up with.
For 24 itself:
-Jack Bauer, instead of carrying a gun, will follow in the footsteps of heroes such as Quick Draw McGraw’s alter-ego El Kabong and arm himself with a guitar.
-Because of the goings-on with the sniper in Washington, show has been moved to Canada. It is explained that Palmer was president for a short while, but was kicked out of office when it was learned he was not American-born. Palmer then becomes Prime Minsister of Canada.
-Main plot of second season: Palmer has fallen into a hole in the ground, and Victor Drazen will not let him out. Jack must use his crack negotiating skills to save the Prime Minister.