Create my sigline

I am tired of mine. It has been a while since I have heard a good line that made me laugh enough to make it my sig. Heck, I am rotating a Simpsons line that I used early on in my career on this board. I like the line, but once I have to rely on an old line, I seriously need help.

So, it is your job (yes, you. Reading this right now) to come up with a suitable sigline for me. I don’t have many rules. It can be made up, it can be from television, etc. If it contains the word “felch” I won’t use it, so unfortunately, it seems that Coldfire is eliminated from this little competition.

No real prizes, other than knowing that you would be easily identifiable as being better than every other person on this board.

I know this automatically takes me out of the running, but I’ll start low and work my way up. How about,

Keep firing, Assholes!


There’s a line from a Heinliein novel that I used for about 15 minutes. It’s great if you are one of those people (like me) that only throw a sig line in to make a point. What do you think?

Extra point to anyone who knows where I got this from.

“You can throw a porcupine in a barn and set it on fire, but it’s not going to come out smelling like licorice.”

I think that speaks for itself, don’t you?

This is a test of the Emergency Sig System. If this had been a real sig line, I would’ve thought of it myself instead of mooching off the imaginations of other, more creative posters.

Intended fully in jest, of course. You know I think you’re King Shit, Mull.

Thanks Flyp, you’re pretty regal yourself.

I plan to let this run for a little while, just to see what kind of interest we can spark. I figure if Wally got to create siglines for everyone, I could have everyone create one for me. Sort of a reversal of the odds.

Mully, "Well, shut my mouth. It’s also illegal to put SqrlCub down my pants for the purpose of delight, well at least in (insert number of states where sodomy is illegal)states. — Chief Wiggum.

Let’s see, that one is really just a play on your old one which you said is getting a little moldy for your tastes.

How about, “Sliced White Bread. It’s the best invention since…well, ever.”

Or here is one that my friend Pooh said to some big gangsta looking guys on the streets of NYC when we were getting ice cream. They asked us if they cut in front of us and he said, “Bitch, if you would have done that I would have cut you.” Too funny.

Or here is the best one, “__________, sig line by the Teeming Millions.”


I have a twin brother. Other people can tell us apart, but I can’t. When we were kids he used to pretend to be me and I got really confused.


Jesus saves. Gretzky gets the rebound, he shoots, he scores!

“Always remember that your weapon was manufactured by the lowest bidder.”

“Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly.”

or perhaps H.L. Mencken:

“There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats.”


“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”

Howzabout “I’m mulling it over.”

How about “Hey, everybody! Let’s close down 22 blocks in the heart of downtown Atlanta so Doctor Jackson can’t come to the Dopers luncheon!”

Not that I’m bitter…

I’m kinda partial to: I love and worship Michi and wish to send her many gifts. :slight_smile:

“You have smoked yourself retarted!”

“I am Evil Homer! I am Evil Homer! I am Evil Homer! I am Evil Homer!”

“I know kung fu.”

You know what the best part about hitting yourself in the head with a hammer is? How good it feels when you stop.

LOL Seale! I love that last one.

Mully, how about:

DEATH to all fanatics.

Anarchy is better than no government at all.

If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t more people happy?

Or you can have mine if you want. :wink:

“Get busy living or get busy dying; that’s goddamn right.”

“You do drugs, Danny?”

“Total protonic reversal” (see my sig :))

“Do you own rubber glove?”
“I lease, with an option to buy”

“Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.”

“You ordered food here?”
“I knew this is where my mouth would be.”

“Isn’t Babar the name of a children’s elephant book?”
“I don’t know, I don’t have any.”
“No, elephant books.”

Hell, Fletch is full of sig lines.

How about a Bobby Knight quote.

Okay, I’ve done some things that I wouldn’t want to share in Sunday School.

There’s a line I’ve always wanted to use on a radio call-in show, but it might work on a message board with a little modification.

“Hi, there’s something I’d like to contribute on this topic, but first I wanted to say that I’m a long time poster, first time reader.”

Hmm, I don’t know, I think “Larry, I’m a long time caller, first timer listener” has more of a ring to it, but c’est la vie.

My father had this book called “The cynicsts dictionary” full of smartass comments and quotes and would make a goldmine for anyone wanting a sigline. Ofcourse he throwed it away when he moved so I can’t use it. I do remember one line though:

I can slam dunk. You can’t. So shut up.

If basketball was life, I would be Shaq’s Vice-Dictator.

If I was normal, you would be singing “follow the yellow brick road”. So try and make your point midget.

WNBA . . . no, they aren’t better than me.

Make me mad and I can fit you in my gym bag.
(OK I went with a theme.)

How about:

If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.