Creating a table

I know I asked this years ago but I can’t seem to find it. How do I build a table in to my posts?

For example

Province-----Revenue—% of Debt
A A’ A’’
B B’ B’’
C C’ C’’

Never aligns correctly. How do I clean that up?

Use the code tag. You still need to manually space things out (unless there’s a tabbing tag I’m unaware of), but it’ll retain multiple spaces and monospace the font to allow things to line up more easily.

Province     Revenue   % of Debt
A            A'        A''
B            B'        B''
C            C'        C''

ah… that helps a lot.

If you paste directly from Excel into a code tag, it’ll retain all the columns.

1	4651	A"
10	3	B"
100	137316	C"