Creationist Ken Ham calls to end space program because aliens are going to hell anyway

you could, at least in theory. you choose not to. :slight_smile:

Really? There would be a way to make money doing something like this, the same dishonest way Ham does it?

Of course intelligent ETs can exist, they just wouldn’t have souls. You know, like the Japanese.

what if God needs a starship?

We need to fund the space program so we can bring Him one

Or gingers.

The title of this thread betokens a fantastic line of reasoning, I agree…I think this creationist has stuck his neck out and made an awkward, embarrassing comment on a topic completely irrelevant to the theme of the Bible. And probably only because it’s in the public eye, thanks to * Star Wars * and its ilk.

It’s fun to think about how Ken Ham and his ilk would handle contact with alien life. But what worries me is if the aliens think more like him than us rational people. At best they will try to gently convert us to their Blaherbavergianity or whatever, or at worst treat us like the Ken Hams would treat vermin. Or more likely, some sects of the aliens will treat us one way, and some the other, and all levels in between.

Who would want all those icky aliens in (Human) Heaven anyway?

IOW, pretty much what the American Indians came in for. But without the contagious diseases. I hope.

Because Allah has promised the faithful 72 virgins each, the supply is limited, and creatures who reproduce by sporulation or fission gotta count, right?

Yes, but what would marklar do?

This marklar is a real marklar, pushing his irrational marklars on poor innocent marklars, marklar should just leave marklar alone, free to marklar or marklar what they marklar

What a marklar!

If only. He’d be about 27 years overdue for dying from lung cancer.

Ay yi yiiiii

Here’s his explanation for what he actually meant.

Points of interest:

  1. He has Google Alerts notify him of what those nasty atheists are saying about him.

  2. He must be aware of the criticisms leveled against him, because he copies and pastes it back to the nasty atheists. "Sadly, it’s typical of this Illinois writer and other atheists (not surprisingly they have no basis in absolute truth in their purposeless universe) who are not concerned at being accurate. “Truth” to them is relative, and whatever they can post or print to attack AiG that is not accurate is okay by them.

  3. He laughs at the idea that the nasty atheists think he said that aliens are going to hell. He said he doesn’t believe in aliens in the first place, because “the gospel makes it clear that salvation through Christ is only for the Adamic race—human beings who are all descendants of Adam.” Why would he mention aliens in that context at all then? If they don’t exist, then he doesn’t need to address their potential salvation, but for some reason he does. “You see, the Bible makes it clear that Adam’s sin affected the whole universe. This means that any aliens would also be affected by Adam’s sin, but because they are not Adam’s descendants, they can’t have salvation.”

  4. He has a one-minute video of him and some guy with a camera who said he hasn’t found alien life yet. Apparently, the massive SETI satellite dishes working around the clock don’t compare to a tripod and light shield. Ham actually encourages NASA to look for alien life and not find it so he can be proved right.

I don’t see how dogma-clingers can be happy, given that they are continually under siege by, well, facts. At every waking moment they have to engage in mental battle against inputs–events, conversations, and physical realities–that contradict their dogma.

It must be exhausting.

I think facts roll off them effortlessly like water droplets off a duck’s back. The ones that don’t have that ability probably tend to become rational skeptics, to some degree, after enough time.

Rational skeptics in the best-case scenario, or axe murderers in the worst, possibly.

Or if no axe is handy they may work out the massive cognitive dissonance in other unpleasant ways (as with Warren Jeffs and his child-sexual assaults).

What will he say if they do find it, I wonder?

Why then - as in Locrian’s pie-in-the-sky, aliens-land, now-who’s-the-idiot scenario - we all get to point and laugh at Ken Ham. But don’t hold your breath until then.

As to the aliens being damned. 1 Cor 15:22.

Malacandra your username is kinda related to this subject, am I correct?

Indeed, but eschereal basically got there in post #23.