So my husband likes to buy stuff in bulk, and a month or so ago he brought home an absolutely enormous sack of pancake mix, and a box of brownie mix - enough to make 6+ pans of brownies.
There is just no way my family is going to eat this quantity of pancakes and brownies in the forseeable future without getting massively sick of them. Anyone have any ideas on other uses?
I have Celiac and have to eat gluten-free. I’ve done this with gltuen free pancake mix but it should work with regular mix also. It is essentially an upside down pizza. I put the items in a casserole dish (ground beef, mushrooms, pepperoni, etc), top with a sauce (in a pinch you can use a jar of spagetti sauce) and cheese and then pour the pancake batter on top. Bake it until the top is golden brown.
Is it pancake mix or more like a general baking mix, like Bisquick? If the latter, you’ve got lots of options. I use Bisquick to make dumplings, coffee cake, etc.
I experimented with the “dump cake” concept, and I bet you could do the same with some of your brownie mix. Dump a can of cherry pie filling in a 9" square pan. Sprinkle brownie mix evenly over the top, enough so it completely covers the filling. Melt a stick of butter and drizzle it over the brownie mix. Bake at 350 until the pie filling is hot and bubbly and the brownie mix crust looks cooked and crunchy.
I’ve been making pancake breakfasts for my kids, twice a week… even tried making PB&J pancake sandwiches for their lunch. (Not very good!)
We’ve tried chocolate chip pancakes, blueberry pancakes, applesauce pancakes… we’ve gone through 2 large containers of maple syrup eating them the regular way. We’re just getting tired of pancakes! And I’m running out of ideas on what to do with all that mix! And it takes up so much room in my cabinet.
-See if any churches or charities would care for some; I know the Red Cross takes any help they c an get <and gives out tons of it!>
-This is only good if you have a HUGE freezer, but I made <homemade> pancakes one night, and they came out so good I froze them, just to see if they would work for quick, nuke-able snacks. They froze great, nuked great!
Make thin pancake batter and make crepes. Freeze them between layers of wax paper. stuff them with ice cream/fruit/chocolate/etc. Eat them.
Make the brownie mix a bit dense, over bake it, then crumble up the result in a food processer. Layer with chocolate pudding and gummy worms to make dirt cups. layer with whipped cream or vanilla pudding to make cookies and cream parfaits.
Make both batters, pour a pancake onto the griddle, then pour some brownie batter into the middle. Result? Molten chocolate pancakes.
My old roommate used to make what she called “Korean pancakes.” (In quotes because she wasn’t Korean, and they may not be either.)
Anyhoo, they were wicked good. She’d saute some onions and green pepper, and maybe a stalk of celery, then mince whatever was sitting around, (the last two slices of sandwich meat - a 1/4 cup of frozen green peas in the freezer, the tiny hunk of remaining cheddar cheese) and toss it all in the pancake batter. Meat and veggies sauteed together first, cheese grated directly into the batter, and then cook like normal pancakes.
You can get one of those GT EXpress you see on the infomercials at Target or just get an omlet maker at Walgreens for like $7.99. You can put your pancake batter in that and it cooks up fast and easy.
Then you can make stuff pancakes. Put some batter, hamburer, cheese and you get a “pocket burger”
Make up the brownie mix for the crust and bake it in a pie plate. After cooling, fill with the softened ice cream of your choice and freeze. Cut into wedges and serve with your topping of choice.
My favorites to do this with are grasshopper (mint chocolate chip ice cream and chocolate syrup drizzled on top), raspberry (w/ raspberry sherbet) or turtle (w/ butter pecan ice cream, carmel and chocolate syrup and pecans).
Also try to make something like a thin cookie with the brownie mix in uniform sizes. After baking, slice ice cream and place it between two of them for an ice cream sandwich.
Brownie cupcakes with a hersheys kiss or reeses PB cup tucked in the middle before baking. Gooey heaven and they freeze nicely.
Just measure the pancake mix into family size zip lock bags and store in the freezer. When you aren’t tired of pancakes it will be waiting for you without the moths.