Thanks for your comments, everyone!
FCM – don’t worry, I woudn’t set anyone up with my brother, either. And I promise not to tell FCD that you’re reading online personals if I meet him when the Wimmins Lunch finally happens.
Minlokwat – although there have definitely been times when tales of my cyberdating adventures have belonged in the Pit, this isn’t one of them. Don’t oo wowwy oo’s widdle head about the mistake.
Zap – as I said, the ad’s only been up there two weeks, but I’ve gotten two solid nibbles (IMing with one guy, playing phone tag with another) already, which is a better response than my other ads are getting. (That’s one of the reasons I was asking for your guys’ take on this – I might want to change the wording in some of the other ads.)
whistlepig – don’t worry about it – I understood what you meant about the lines! (I think. In any case, I wasn’t upset by what you said. Well, not too upset! ) (Actually, since I haven’t left anyone tongue-tied with my beauty in a long time, I guess I should be flattered!)
Re: the photograph – like a lot of people, I photography badly – this is one of the few good photos of me taken in recent years. It’s cropped from one of my all-time favorite snapshots – it was taken on the beach (thus the mussed hair) and I’m looking at my sister, and raising my arm to do “bunny ears” behind her head, in the original. I probably should get a new pic – esp. since my hair is now shoulder length, no bangs – but I get so darned self-conscious when I know my picture is being taken that they almost inevitably come out badly. I’ll see if I can line up someone to take a new pic, and crop to get a little more of my torso in.
Re: snobbishness – I guess it does come across as kind of out of left field, hunh? What I was thinking, though, is that sometimes people who like going to museums and reading lit-ra-chure (which are both things I like to do) are snobby about watching junk TV and reading big-circulation magazines (which are also both things I like to do). Maybe the fact that I mention both kinds of activities is enough.
eunoia – so, you’re saying I should mention the actual threadcount?