Critique Pezpunk Music (free music)

In a moment of boredom I decided to create a site for some of my home recordings. They were just approved and finally accessible. There are still some songs pending but you can get the basic idea.

I play all the instruments on the songs and being that I am only formally trained as a drummer and self taught myself everything else, don’t expect too much. :slight_smile: Funny thing is, the only thing I don’t play on these is the drums! They are all pre-recorded song files.

Please feel free to tell me if you like em, hate em, or just plain wish I would give up music.

Perhaps this should have gone in cafe society?
If the mods would be so kind?

I only got an opportunity to listen to the first three, but I liked them both. The first one, especially (“Unfair”) had a good melody in the chorus. Correct me if I’m way off base, but it sounded heavily Bob Mould-influenced.

The third one (“Home”) was a nice change of pace from the first two. Good arrangement, too, mixing up the guitar parts a bit.

I just listend to all of them, I liked “transponder” the best – very good groove to it. I like the guitar fill in the first break and really liked the the strummy-guitar overlay thing that came out of that break (I know your influences and they are showing :slight_smile: ), but I think you could smooth over that transition at around 50 seconds and the closing of the song – those techno fills sounded a little forced. Overall very good, though.

“Mood music” and “Pimpwar” both sound like they belong on “GODweenSATAN”. I mean that in a good way.

“New day” could easily a be an outtake from either of the first two Folk Implosion albums.

Please take my heavily Knob Creek bourbon-influenced opinions FWTW…No way I can do any better and this stuff way pretty fresh.

Let me know if you do any more, I’d like to hear it.

Thanks for the responses guys. It’s good to hear what others think. A lot of what was said is what I have been thinking actually. I need to do some work on these…

Ya know I have never been a huge husker du or sugar fan. I like them just fine but don’t think I have been influenced by them.


I agree 100%. Transponder is probably my favorite instrumental currently and you are right about the transition. Forced is a very good word for it. I keep meaning to go back and fix it but my creativity is only surpassed by my incredible laziness. :slight_smile:

I should have a couple more songs up in the next few weeks if you guys happen back to the site. Thanks for the feedback!